4) youre texting-

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my alarm woke me up not too long ago, but all my stressing and moving around woke up jana and she's making me eat whatever i can because i probably wont have time until we land. "let me braid your hair, ava." before i get a chance to respond, she's already brushing my hair and braiding it.

it's pure silence until she breaks it, "i bet gavi's excited." i haven't told jude that i was going with gavi yet, but i'd decided that it's probably better if i tell him.

"he didn't seem excited." god i wish i'd chosen jude. but there was no going back. i'd chosen gavi. "if anything happens, i'll fly to paris for you." jana is the sweetest, i don't know what i'd do without her. "thanks, but right now can you help me with-"

"no i'm going back to sleep. love you tons though." sometimes she's the sweetest.

she kisses my forehead at the door as someone is already outside with the trunk opened in the car i'm supposed to be in.

"ava, it's crazy how pretty you look this early in the morning!" i knew pedri long enough to know he was being sarcastic due to the tone in his voice. "thanks." i gave him a death stare.

"morning." gavi greeted me and i didn't even know he was with pedri. "morning." i smiled at him.

i make my way out and put the small purse with my passport and everything i need by my side.

"you nervous?" sort of, sort of not.

i'm up against much older women for the balon d'Or feminin, and although i've had a great season, it doesn't really assure my win. "who wouldn't be." he shrugs and looks over at gavi, "not this guy, his ego is so big he thinks he has it in the bag."

"do i not?" this cocky ass-

"oh shush, you're up against ansu, camavinga, silva-"

"bellingham." pedri says quickly and winks at me and as soon as he says it, gavi's eyes shot straight for mine, "ava, who do you think is gonna win."

"you're asking the wrong person."

god, pedri and gavi are so annoying together. the airport is a three hour drive and we're taking the coach bus to where i'm sitting at the back as they're practically spitting at eachother from shouting so much. i would say keep it down, but something has to tire them eventually, right?

"can you two-"

"GOALLL!" that stupid video game had gavi throw his controller after losing to pedri and for it to land in my face.

"ow!" both of them snap their heads back and kneel up on their seats. "what did you do now?" now xavi is sitting with us and it reminds me of going on school trips when i was little.

"ava, i'm really sorry!" my hand is trying to soothe the pain in my nose as gavi gets a hold of it and does the rest of the work for me. "it's still to early for you to be throwing things because of a stupid video game."

xavi goes back to the front and hands gavi an ice pack from the mini fridge.

"how bad is it?" gavi puts the ice pack on my nose and pedri is peaking from the seat in front of us. "i've had a lot worse, ava." he says and i glare at him, which happens frequently.

when he finally removes the ice pack from my nose, it feels numb. i move to the corner seat directly behind pedri and i open my phone.


jude 😨

hey i had to make a choice between
you and gavi for a date and i chose gavi. it
has nothing to do with you i promise, i just
thought it makes more sense because gavi
plays for barça too.

jude 😨
don't worry about it, i completely
understand. i cant wait to see u tho
i just know ur gonna look heavenly x

cant wait to see you too ❤️

jude 😨
not as much as me

more actually

not remembering that pedri and gavi are right there. i start to smile to myself.

unfortunately, pedri notices and readjusts himself so before i could even turn off my phone, he snatches my phone and reads the texts between jude and i. "pedri!" i spring out of my seat, causing me to hit my head off the air conditioning from above, "that was you that time." gavi says from next to me.

that hurt more than the controller.


"PEDRI GONZÁLEZ LÓPEZ GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK." xavi and jonatan are looking at all of us. mostly at gavi to try to get a better understanding of what pedri and i are bickering about. "NO WAY! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE-"

"pedri shut the fuck up and sit down."

"you're so sassy, you know?" i ask. "oh you'd rather let pedri yell out who you're talking to?" my eyes are bulging out of my head, "NO!"

"ok great! now shut up i'm tired of you two." xavi turned back around.

i sigh and get my phone back and pedri leans over. "bellingham?!" he whispers in my ear. "but you and gavi are eachother's dates!"

"that doesn't mean i cant text him."

"what would xavi think?"

"god stop worrying about him he's a grown man, i'm going with gavi, not jude, he shouldn't have a problem with that." pedri tried to argue that jude is gonna think i still want to go with him, which i do, but that's not my concern.

"ava's made her choice so can we just drop this whole conversation?" gavi says from beside me.

finally, something we agree on.

please ignore that i've probably misspelled like 10000 words , put the wrong words in places and let my dyslexia kick in xxx

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