9) disaster

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"we'll call her again." everyone was ringing ava's phone. she didn't return earlier to return jana her water bottle and jana found it in the lobby on the floor.


don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.

i'm repeating to myself as i knock at pedri's door. the door finally opens. "i need to talk to you." pedri looks at me with a confused look. "is everything ok?"

i walk into the house and sit on his couch and it doesn't take long for pedri to join me. "i think i love him." i lay my head on his lap and look at the ceiling.


"jude." i respond quickly and i don't even what to see what expression he makes.

"no you don't." pedri laughed. "you love the idea of him."

"what if i genuinely love him?" i don't know why but that argument with gavi has changed my prospective on him. i used to have some sort of feelings for him but now they'd dissolved into thin air.

"what about gavi?" i couldn't help but look at pedri this time. "what about him? he clearly doesn't care for my existence."

"yes he does, ava, he cares a lot. he just got mad that's all." that was absolute bullshit.

"i've been ignoring him." i open my phone and show pedri that texts.


i didn't mean it i swear.
ava come on please just answer
can you at least let me apologize?
ava please forgive me
you're so selfish you know that?

"he isn't the same, ava." i didn't want to hear any of it. "he hasn't been playing the same since it happened. do you know how many times he's just given up on the pitch because of it being on his mind?"

"i don't care, he's not my problem and he never was in the first place."


there's a knock at the door and we both spin around. pedri gets up to answer the door.


"is ava here?" i ask as soon as pedri opens the door. he pulls me outside and shuts the door. "what do you want."

"i need to talk to ava-"

"gavi, just stop." he puts his hand on my chest, pushing me away from the door. "please just let me talk to her."

"gavi you need to understand, she loves jude and you're not him. that's something no amount of time you two spend together is ever going to change."

"but... i love her." the words that come from pedri's mouth break my heart. i never meant to hurt her. it was just the heat of the moment. she should know that by now.

"if you really love her." he begins, "you'll let her go." i look at him desperately. "can i please just talk to her."

he opens the door and i walk in while pedri waits outside. "what do you want, gavi?" ava is sat upright on the couch.

"i want to apologize." i walked over to her on the couch and sat beside her. i tried to put my hand on her cheek but she turned her head away. "please look at me when i give you my apology."

"and what if i don't want it."

"i'd still give it."

she walks over to the wall. "you're horrible, just please leave." her eyes were looking at the ground.

"you're right, i am horrible!" i walked over to her. i stood in front of her, my back almost hitting the wall. "yell at me for it! do something! you didn't deserve it and we both know it. there's nothing more i want to do than to take it back-"

before i can finish she starts hitting me in the chest with her fist, making my back hit the wall.

"i didn't want to fight with you. you knew, i tried to stop you! i didn't mean anything i said! but how could you say those things?!" and just like that, i get ahold of her fists and hold them in mind. she starts to sob, and for the first time, the strongest girl i know had broken.

it really did hurt seeing her like this.

we both sat on the floor and i pull her head into my chest, i can still hear her sobs. "it's okay, ava." i put my chin on her forehead with my arms around her. "i'll never forgive myself, and i never go beyond asking you either."

i would never think to see her like this, but that's exactly what i did. "i'm sorry, gavi."

we're both still on the floor, not one of us moving from the spot we're in.

"maybe that's the reason we never spoke to eachother." she shuffles from below me.

"i would've never wanted to find out about it like this though."

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