10) spanish or british

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it was 8 am and things between gavi and i had cleared up, i'd spent almost the whole night texting jude, so it didn't surprise me when i wake up and i see i got a message from him.

jude 😨

jude 😨
goodmorning x


jude 😨
how are you

i'm great how are you

jude 😨
i'm good. i've been meaning
to ask you something, so
i have a champions league game in spain
next week and i was thinking of going
to your game if ur not benched ofc

yeah that sounds great, thanks

jude 😨
no problem, cya then

cya 🤍

jude 😨

if you couldn't tell already, jude and i are finally dating. he had asked me on a date not too long after the balon d'or and things just clicked ever since.

"ava." aitana peaked her head into my room. "breakfast is ready if you want some." she knew i was still partly upset about the gavi situation but she also knew about jude.

i dragged myself out of bed and into the kitchen. "hey bellingham!" jana hasn't stopped saying that ever since the balon d'Or.

"funny." i say sarcastically and take a seat beside her. aitana puts a plate of food in front of me and a smoothie.

"i think jude's coming to the game next week." the girls eyes widen. "no, no, no," they both say. "gavi will be there." jana says.

"gavi's not my problem." i stab my fork into the eggs that aitana had made. "jude wants to be there, gavi is being made go."

aitana shrugged and turned off the stove. "i don't know, va." aitana had invented that nickname for me the first day i joined barça. "i think gavi genuinely wants to go, why did jude say he was going?"

"they have a game here and he asked if he could come and the fact that he's my boyfriend."

"cute." jana smiled at me and i smiled back at her. jana was nice but stupid. i hate to say it but, really stupid.

"oh, honey." aitana walked over to me and hugged me. "gavi is gonna be livid."

"what do you mean livid?" jana puts down her phone which doesn't happen usually.

"you both know what i mean." and with that she left to the bathroom. "i think it's exciting that jude is coming." jana always saw the bright side.

i shrugged and got up to clean my plate. "what do you think gavi will say?"

"gavi didn't even apologize."

"about that." i walked over to jana and sat back onto the seat. "gavi did apologize. yesterday when i was at pedri's, gavi came over and he apologized."

"and how did that go?" jana took a sip from the tea that she made not too long ago.

"i forgave him." jana tilted her head and i quickly began to speak again. "it wasn't easy. i told him how i felt."

"he'll break your heart again, and you're going to want it back, but he won't let it happen." jana leaves the kitchen, leaving me alone.

i know the girls were probably pissed about me forgiving gavi after everything that happened but, i couldn't help it. i felt bad for what i said and i think gavi felt bad for what he said. we were both the bad guys in this situation, and it was all over now, right?

being benched was something i didn't want to experience again. the embarrassment, the shame and the feeling that i wasn't good enough.

there was a knock at my bedroom door and jana walks in. "i'm sorry if i upset you earlier." she sat at the edge of my bed. "i just don't want the same thing to happen again."

"it's alright." it was nice that she cared enough to apologize for something that i honestly didn't care about. "but i cant not forgive him." i wouldn't forgive myself if i didn't.

"i understand, but, you don't even like balde and its not like you're gonna kiss balde. gavi just has insane jealousy issues." i couldn't deny that. "i know but, he's sweet and he's kind-"

"if he was sweet and kind he wouldn't have said those things." jana doesn't let me finish.

i don't want to respond to that. it isn't my place to say anything and i have nothing to say anyway.

"it would be a good thing for jude to come." duh i know that already. "it will be good for the two of you to hang out and maybe even go on a date."

i cant help but smile at the thought of jude. i'm excited for him to come to the game, even if i play awful, jude will be there. for those whole 90 minutes he'll be there.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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