8) fuck

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we're early to our morning practice again and the last time i saw ava, she was slumped on my lap and pedri had to carry her to the her shared house with her two teammates. but now i'm sat on the bleachers as she's quite benched from everything.

her game, well, her team's game is tonight and they have an extra out which we all forgot about and showed up at our normal time.

i could've slept in.

her elbows are propped on her knees and there's no doubt in mind she's still upset abit this. that night on the plane, jonatan and xavi stayed in the back of the plane and were the first to leave out of everyone. the entire flight was ava talking about how embarrassing it was to be benched and that it's not that she doesn't believe in her team, but being left out isn't something she takes easily.

not to mention, there were big headlines with both ava, jude and i circling around the next day. many asking if they were dating and if ava and i were dating.

"i feel awful for her." pedri finally appears after taking an eternity. she told pedri that jude had tried contacting her but she leaves him on delivered. if i'm being honest, i feel bad for the man.

"that doesn't mean she should ghost him like that." i could never say this out loud because everyone adores her. "she's bound to get over it, it's one game."

one thing about pedri is he'll find a way to cheer her up in no time, "you know what could cheer her up?" i turn to pedri.


"you finally confessing your obvious crush on her." pedri rolled his eyes. "oh shut up." i thought my joke was pretty good but he obviously didn't.


at this point, i was tired and dizzy of following my friends around and the ball with my eyes.

i still couldn't wrap my head around this whole benches thing. i wasn't even jude's date! and who the fuck do jonatan and xavi think they are benching me? and i'm benched from practice too?

that's another level.

jana asked me to refill her water bottle. i can tell she feels guilty asking but i don't mind, i actually have an excuse to leave without jonatan questioning me.

i'm walking back in and i always forget how chilly it is in here due to the ac being on all the time to keep us cool. i lean against the fountain as i hear footsteps from the hallway. it's balde with his own water bottle.

"you look miserable." i'm glad everyone recognizes it and still decide to bother me. "it's one game, ava." he adds on.

"yeah, that has the stupidest reason as to why i can't play!" i drop the water bottle on the ground in anger, letting all the water pour out.

balde grabs my arm and i look at him directly in the eye, his face inching closer to mine.


"what the fuck?" oh shit that actually came out of my mouth.

that obviously caught ava by surprise and she spins around. i'd just seen her almost kiss balde!

"ava, you just almost kissed balde!"

i match my way up to her because unlike pedri, i actually had to refill my water bottle. "gavi, not so loud!" what about her and jude? "what's your fucking problem?" she looks at me shocked because that's probably the last thing she thought she'd ever hear from me.

"excuse me-"

"ava, aren't to talking to jude? except you're ignoring him so at this point you're leading him on. not to mention you've been insufferable to everyone around you for being benched, that was your fault. plus do you even like me?"

i don't know where this anger is coming from but after seeing them, it's like they physically punched a nerve i didn't know i had. "where are you going with this? you don't know anything about me so why do you think you have a place to speak on things involving me!?"

i'll give her that, i should talk on her behalf but i've started, why should i stop?

"i don't need to stop! knowing you're a terrible person who's so blind that you can't own up to anything! and that whole plane ride wasn't about you being left out, it was about you not trusting your team and thinking you're better than them!"

her face drops into a sad expression as she closes the gap we once had.

"i would never think that, but look who's talking. you act like you don't have the biggest ego out there. as if during your games you don't get so angry when things don't go your way. that's what makes the opposing team pick on you so easily! don't you think that makes you as blind as me?!"

now my blood is boiling. "not to mention, the second you do get contact with the ball you ruin your every chance and trip, so unaware of the people around you and you expect everyone to pity you!"

"oh fuck you. because let me tell you something everyone is so afraid to tell you,"

by now, my finger is slight hitting her chest as she slowly backs herself into the wall, "ava, you're not as good as you think you are! fuck, everyone around you knows it! you live out of pity. you really think your roommates want to put up with your bullshit? no! that home was assigned to you after you told jonatan you regretted coming here after your first month! your team would've been better if someone else had taken your spot and you stayed at chelsea!"

and just like that, it feels as if all the oxygen in my lungs were taken from me.

"you are a horrible person." i can see the tears in ava's eyes fall onto her cheeks.

"ava, please i'm so sorry, i never meant to make you cry." i regret everything i said.

"you liar! look at what you've done!" ava walks away with balde by her side.

there's no way that just happened.

lil bit of a fight xx spoiled y'all with chapters be grateful xoxoxo

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