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Dhani looks at Aatreya who is sitting there rather quite.

Dhani : You didn't tell me anything about yourself.

Aatreya : What would you like to know?

Dhani : What do you like doing the most?

Aatreya : I like serving my people, looking after and taking care of them.

Dhani : That's great of you. Ummm, then, do you know how to dance or sing?

Aatreya : No, I never learned that.

Dhani : Then, what do you like eating? I will cook that dish for you.

Aatreya : Haha. I like simple food, food that is made with love. If you will cook for me with love, no matter what it is, that would be enough for me.

Dhani : Ah! (looks away) I will ...surely cook for you with love.

Both Dhani and Aatreya smile at each other.

Bali : Wife? Won't you cook for me with love?

Dhani is astounded by Bali's behaviour. She gently gives him a smile.

Dhani : Of course. I will cook for all of you with love whenever you want.

Manan : Wife, let me tell you about brother Aatreya, since he won't praise himself. Brother Aatreya is a great warrior and a great leader. We are blessed to have him as our elder brother. Naimisharan is blessed to have him as its Chief. He is very efficient in handling political matters. Many village Chiefs and even Kings of large kingdoms seek his guidance. Under his guidance, many villages thrived in drought-like periods. In the great flood of Kaveri river, no casualties took place under his leadership. When everyone loses hopes even then he remains unshakeable and achieves what he wants.

Aatreya : That is enough, Manan. You are talking too highly of me. I merely do what is needed to be done. There is nothing so special about it.

Dhani : I am glad to hear that. He definitely matches what I prayed for.

They talk a little more. Dhani starts to feel sleepy. She yawns. Her eyes are closed. Manan notices it.

Manan : Wife, are you feeling sleepy?

Aanan : Ah, she must be. It's so late.

Manan : I guess we should sleep then.

Aatreya : Yes, let's sleep now.

Dhani hears the words 'let's sleep' and immediately springs up from Bali's lap. She takes a few steps backwards and looks at them.

Bali : What happened, wife?

Dhani looks at them and then she looks at the bed. She gulps thinking about what is going to happen.

Bali : You want to sleep? 

Dhani : Huh?

Bali lifts her up in his arms and smiles at her. He walks to the bed and lays her down on the bed. All of them come to her and surround the bed. She starts breathing heavily.

Dhani : Oh no. It's happening. Though why am I afraid? They are my husbands after all. Please....please be gentle with me as this is my first time.

Everyone pauses for a minute. Manan is confused.

Manan : First time? What do you mean wife? 

Aanan : Of course, it's her first time. She is sleeping here for the first time. 

Dhani look at their confused faces.

Manan : But what does it have to do with being gentle?

Aanan : ….Ah.. We sleep gently, wife. At least I don't do much movement while sleeping. I am a gentle sleeper.

Aanan's words brings smile at her lips.

Dhani : So?

Bali : So?

Aatreya : What do you….what do you want to do, wife?

Dhani : I want to sleep.

Aatreya : Then, we will sleep tonight. By the way, it will be my first time too. (Smiles)

Bali : Mine too.

Mithun : Mine too.

Manan : What are you talking about?

Aanan : How stupid you are Manan. It's all of our first time sleeping in this room.

Bali : How intelligent.

Aatreya and Mithun chuckle. 

She removes her jewellery and her veil from her head and puts them on the side table. All of them look at her gorgeous body with temptation. Now, Manan understands their talk. At once, they all look away, so that they do not get carried away.

Mithun : Wife, it may be uneasy to sleep with your hair tied up. Allow me to free them.

Dhani signals him to do it. He gently frees her long, flowy and shiny hair. She looks much more beautiful with her hair down

Mithun : I am seeing you with your hair free for the first time. You look so beautiful.

Dhani : I know. All of you are seeing me with my hair down for the first time. No one besides you has ever seen my free hair. I always keep them braided. 

Aatreya : Keep it braided in front of other men. So that no one can see your beauty except us.

Dhani smiles.

Bali : Can I sleep on this bed with you? I will make sure you maintain your space.

Dhani : Okay.

Mithun : Wife, I also want to sleep beside you.

Dhani : Okay. 

Manan and Aanan : Wife, can I also sleep on the bed?

Bali and Mithun lay down on either side of her. She closes her eyes and pretends to sleep. Manan and Aanan sleep on Mithun's side. They blew out the dias before going to bed. The bed has a capacity of five. They all adjust on the bed, except for Aatreya. He sleeps on the sofa. 

All the dias are blown out. The moonlight is falling on the bed at their faces. Rest everything is dark. Dhani feels Bali's large hands caressing her hairs. She also feels Mithun's hands touching her hand on his side. She is sleeping facing him. She opens her eyes to look at him. He is looking at her. He clasps her hand and puts it onto his chest. She closes her eyes and feels his heartbeat. Bali, thinking that she is asleep, comes closer to her and kisses on her hair. He puts his hands on her waist. Dhani shrugs on his touch. He is so close that she can feel his heartbeat. He kisses her on hair a few times and then her ear and then on her neck. Mithun takes her hand and puts it on his lips.  He takes her fingers inside his mouth and starts licking and sucking them. Bali slips his hand from her waist to her stomach and caresses it. His hand finds her navel and runs two fingers up and down on it. He becomes aggressive. A soft yet hearable sound of arousal escapes Dhani's lips. 

Aatreya : Tomorrow morning, I want both of you at the field. Sleep already. It will be morning in two hours.

Bali pulls his hand back and Mithun puts Dhani's hand back gently. All of them sleep the rest of the night very well.

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