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Aatreya : Wife, you know, in my opinion, whom you should love the most among us?

Dhani : ......

Aatreya : Our unity. Us, five brothers' unity. If any one of us becomes unhappy, none of us will be happy. I hope you understand what I mean.

Dhani : I understand it, husband. I understand it much more than anyone.

Aatreya dropped off Dhani at their house and went to the Court. Dhani spent some time taking a look around the house with the maids. None of her husbands are at home right now. Champa, one of her maids, showed her all her husbands' rooms with excitement. Dhani likes Champa's loquacious behaviour. It reminded her of her little sister Vani.

She goes to her room and sits with a book in her hand. She feels sleepy because she did not sleep properly last night. While reading the book, her eyes start feeling heavy. She closes her eyes for a second but falls asleep. While she is asleep, Mithun knocks on her door.

"Wife, may I come in?"

There is no response. Mithun asks again three times. Still there is no response.

"Is she not inside? But, the maids said that she was in her room."

"Wife, I am coming in" Mithun shouts out loud.

Dhani wakes up upon hearing his loud voice.

"No. Don't come inside." Dhani shouts. "O where is my stola? Let me drape myself with it first. I know how tempted they feel when they see my bare skin."

When she drapes herself with her stola, she asks "Who is it?"

No one answers her question. She again asks "who is it?"

Again no response. Dhani walks to the door and opens it. There is no one there.

"Who was it?" Dhani asks herself.


In the evening, everyone returned home. Dhani greets her husbands with a smile on her face. But, she does not see Mithun.

Dhani : Have you seen prince Mithun anywhere?

Maid : Queen, Prince Mithun has gone to Kalighat and he will return after two days.

Dhani : What? But no one told me.

Maid : You didn't know? Prince must have told you before leaving. You must have forgotten it.

She goes to Aatreya to ask about it. Bali, Manan and Aanan are also there.

Dhani : Husband?

All of them said in unison with a smile "Yes, wife?"

Dhani : Ah!

Manan : What is it?

Dhani : Why did Mithun leave so suddenly?

Aatreya : Suddenly? He came home in the afternoon to meet you before leaving. Didn't he meet you?

Dhani : It was Mithun. When will he return?

Aatreya : It will take at least two days. It may take more than that.

Dhani : Ohh! I didn't even get the chance to say sorry to him.

Aatreya : Let's have dinner, now.

Everyone sits for dinner. Bali is served with half of the food that is made. They enjoy their dinner. Aatreya talks with them about some village matters. Bali, Manan and Aanan keep looking at Dhani with wide smiles on their faces. She knows why they are looking at her like that.

Dhani : Oh! I am so tired today. I will only rest tonight. Husbands, I think you should also rest tonight. You all must have been really tired today.

Aatreya : Yes. Rest well tonight. Tomorrow will be a lot of work. We will start building new rain harvesting tanks now. And we will test some new techniques of water harvesting. Since, it will be monsoon soon, we need to prepare fast. Manan, I will need you tomorrow. Bali, you too.

Manan and Bali : Yes, brother.

Bali, Manan and Aanan look at Dhani with funny glum faces, then look down and continue eating.


Dhani ensures that everyone is asleep and then goes to Bali's chamber quietly. She knocks on the door a few times. She knocks it hard and fast. Her hands start to hurt.

Dhani : Oh my! My hand is hurting. He is a hard sleeper. My idea flopped so badly. But, I don't want to see those expressions again on their faces like last night. And I don't think it's right to tell my other husbands that I am doing it with my this husband. Should I knock once more?

She knocks it really hard this time and a loud shouting voice comes from inside.

"Who is it at this hour? I am going to kill you for disrupting my sleep. Guhhhh!!!!. Who is it? Answer me you moron."

Dhani : ...? Should I go back?

Bali opens the door. His eyes are half open and red with anger. He has an annoyed expression on his face. It's a gruesome expression. Dhani remembers what Vani once said that he looked so ferocious as if he could kill anybody if he gets angry on the slightest of things.

Bali : What is it you fu...?

Now, Bali's eyes are wide open. Dhani is wearing a beautiful red dress and has adorned herself with jewellery made with gold and ruby.

Dhani : l...I am sorry. (clears throat) I disturbed your sleep. You can go back to your sleep. I will come to your room tomorrow.

Bali : (grabs her hand) No wife. Don't go. Come inside. Please.

Dhani comes in and looks at his room. Though the dias are not burning, there is enough light in the room to see. It's filled with paintings of wars. In one painting a man wearing armour is breaking another's skull. In another painting, broken bones and dripping blood is depicted. There are some weapons kept at the side in the room.

Dhani : What is this? This is where he sleeps?

Bali : Let me light up some dias so you can see clearly.

Dhani : No need. I can see clearly. Besides, you would need to blow them off in some time.

Bali : Wife, you have come to my room for the very first time. Do you like it?

Dhani : Absolutely not. Yes. Haha.

Bali smiles.

Bali : What is it that brought you here at this time? Did you have a bad dream? Are you afraid of something?

Dhani : No no.

Bali : Then?

Dhani lowers her head and closes her eyes tightly.

Dhani : I..I came here to consummate... our marriage.

Bali stands completely still for a minute, stunned by her words.

Bali : Ah! My heart. Thank you, wife. I was waiting for this moment since the day I first saw you, since I held you in my arms. I was waiting for you.

He hugs her aggressively and lifts her up in his arms. He walks to the bed and lays her on it.

Bali : Let me worship you with all the love and passion of my heart that only beats for you.

Blessed With Five HusbandsWhere stories live. Discover now