Cloakers and beam Cutters

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"Sinon I am going to help Search for Cody, So until I return can you promise to keep everything in order here, along with the rest?"

She nodded, I smiled And patted her soft white hair.

"I promise I'll bring him back..."


I drew my death adder, A revolver that was dubbed as the most deadly physical gun at close range, not because of it's rate of fire but the monstrous recoil and Stopping power it could unleashed with a simple flick of the trigger.

"Vi what do you see up there?" Riley hissed through my communicator. We were at rather large building that Served as A home in the past, a condominium of sorts. After my brief scan noting that a few scrap guardians were aimlessly walking around the hall. I Silently climbed down and immediately Several pairs of eyes looked at me. I walked up towards Riley and Scratched the back my head.

"There are a few Clankers upstairs in the hallway but I am pretty sure there weren't any other types lurking around."

Riley nodded and patted my shoulder signalling the others to follow him. They all drew their own assortment of weapons from battery powered blasters to Fully automatic machine gun I like to call the Chain gun.

"Destroy all those clankers, if we want to secure this place before dark." Riley flicked the safety off of his AWP. "Stay Alert I don't want to return to the compound with a missing man in my team."

They all nodded around him. Riley had a way with people even before he became the top marksman of Vandal and even more so when he destroyed a Tank Class machine alone. I rubbed my face with my arm, starting to feel the dirt mixing with persperation. I walked towards Riley and tapped his shoulder.

"Let's go." I smiled cockily.

This cause Riley to shake his head and let out chuckle.

"Always Up for an action I see." He flicked the bolt attached to his scoped rifle Readying the bullet from it's magazine. Riley moved up the stairs and looked back at us and signaled to come over.

"Owen take kristian with you and take the left corridor, shoot anything that's not human." He whispered to the man with the Chain gun and the person beside him sporting two blasters at his hip and A knife on his hand. The two nodded and moved dissapearing from my sight. Heavy gun fire and the faint hiss of blaster rounds began to fill the silence.

"Ricker, bill, Shizu you three will head to the courtyard at the center of this building, clear as many you can."

The trio nodded and left to accomplished their task while I remained with Riley and two others.

"Sampson, Gary guard this Stairwell I don't want anything stabbing us in the back, Vi your coming with me." He said as he turned to look at me.

I nodded and followed the blonde Gunslinger who was heading towards the main lobby opposite of the direction where Bill and his partner was. The lobby was stark white and barely had any furnishing as one should expect of such a place and whatever furniture it had was coated by a thick Layer of dust, evident on my Index finger after I raked it against an old steel Bench.

"this placed seems untouched." He muttered while he knelt against the dusty floor with his hand on his chin, eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"Riley we should go I don't feel secure here." I replied eyeing our surroundings if they're any threats. Something about this place is ticking me off Right now and I don't particularly like it.


"Shh..." He cut me off with a finger on my lips. "Do you hear that?" He asked as he raised his AWP ready to fire if the need Arises. I leveled my revolver (at arms length mind you) against my face so I could see through the iron sights of the Silver beauty. I faint humming sound could be heard if I listened hard enough, a tell tale Sign that we were up against Cloakers, devious humanoid Machines equipped with a cloaking device and sound dampeners that muffles their servos from making to much noise. They're two ways to know when your facing this kind of machines and that is Either they pounce when it's already too late or to listen for that faint sound they make and for any signs of Rippling of objects when they pass. A ripple to the left caught my attention and I fired feeling the powerful kick it gave as the bullet exited the barrel. The hot led tore through the thin frame of the cloaker leaving a smoking pile of scrap on the ground. Riley fired twice from his AWP adding two more to the junk pile. I got to admit that was pretty good even with a bolt action as a gun. Unwilling to be out done by the blonde Gunslinger I kept my senses on high alert waiting for the signs of an incoming cloaker ready tear my flesh if it get's close enough. I drew My Beam cutter from my hip and swung in an ark behind me. The cloaker tried to evade by taking a step back while it was stealth but the tip of the cutter scrape against it's metal body leaving a long gash of melted steel across it's Chest. The cloaker now expose tried to rush me but Before it could Swipe at my face with it's sharpened claws, I buried a slug through it's processor unit or in layman's term the head and watch it stagger forward before crumbling towards the ground.

I deactivated the blade and attached it again to my belt because continuous use would drain the battery quickly and I am not in the prime location to charge it.

When I find that idiot I am gonna make him build me a better one....


A/N: Hey guys long time no see!!!.... been Away for so long but today well I decided to update because you guys were waiting so I hope you find this part interesting... next chapter would still be Vi's POV but It would tell why she joined the search party even though it isn't safe to venture out of the compound during the invasion of the shelter if you look back on a past chapter about an army of machines marching through the southern wastelands... Where cody is if I remember correctly.. Now see ya on the next chap... Dunno if I am gonna update early or not.... Let's hope for the latter shall we?

Heading back home- Nul

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