Doubts / Sentimentality has it's price

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"Sinon I need you to look at something." Rick asked with a cigarette stick between his lips.

I sighed. " I hope it isn't the omni screen again I just fixed that."

He chuckled. "Them kids huh?"

I turned and glared at him from my work bench.

"I clearly remember  Rick you were the one that broke the Monitor with a Baseball while playing with some of your buddies." I pointed at him accusingly.

"Woah there Sinon." He raised both his hands in surrender and took a step back from me.

"what's gotten in you today?"

I sighed and began to clean the smudged lens of my Glasses with my black tank top.

"It has been a week and Still no news from Vi and the Scavenger Unit under Riley..." I trailed off as I fixed my glasses back unto my nose bridge, clarity returning to my vision and stared at the blondie with a confused look plastered on his face.

"....It should have been only a day or two search on the surface but They're taking way too long." I continued.

I walked back onto Metallic work bench and plopped down on it's cold surface. I am really tired of worrying.... But what Can I do? my expertise doesn't apply to field Duties like the scavengers and Gunslingers, I am just a mechanic with a sizable amount of knowledge on Pre-generation Technology on par with... Cody...

"So Are you gonna help me or not sinon." Rick approuched me with a pleading look to his Ocean blue eyes.

"Do it yourself...." I replied with annoyance as I jumped off the work bench and Began to walk away.

"I don't feel so good right now."

"But-" I turned my head and flash him a Sad smile.

"No buts, I've been working non stop for the past three days... So do me a solid, don't make me fix everything you break, okay? " I turned and continued my path to women's Quarters.

There should be something for me to do there..... Anything to keep them off my mind.


"Vi... any signs of Cody passing through here?" Riley asked me.

I Shook my head and peered again into my Binoculars, a trophy find I found while out on a mission in the northern part of Atlas city, it was pretty banged up but My best friend fixed it without a hitch.

Always we're a Smart girl...

I smiled at the memory but I quickly hid it before anyone would see. I need to remain focus in finding any trace of that troublemaker and my smiling during a crucial part of the Mission, would misunderstood my comrades of my intentions. It's True that I had joined the Group to find Cody and bring him back, but If he turns out to be a threat I will personally end him. Why did I think he was a threat now? The reason is the discovery I made a few days ago when I accidentally stepped on a rat in the condominium we had secured for shelter. Turns out it was infected with The virus but what really surprised me is that half of it's body had merged with some kind of metallic substance turning it into a hybrid of sorts. I asked Riley how did something like that rat become something horrific and he said....

"Nanites we're suppose to bring an end to the losing battle of Illness and fix the biological error that has surfaced in The past five hundred years." He smiled bitterly fingering a small ring he had hidden in his shirt.

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