
23 4 1

Never would I have expected That I would return to this place with such a Dire situation hot on my heels. Thanks to overusing my limited nanite Reserves with that mortar blast , I am more less left to my own devices until I can properly find a place Over run with "wild" nanites to assimilate with the help of Ai or Simply let my Modified B.O.Ms to naturally Generate my own which would take a while. I was leaning more on the latter option due to me having no time to wait with The armed sentinels all giving chase. Unfortunately for me The sterile nature of The underground city prevented me from feeling my reserves.

Current nanite capacity is at 4.7%.. estimated time for maximum capacity to be achieved is  567 days... 5 hours... three minutes... and 6 seconds  with the current Generation rate and concentration of Nanites present in the air.

"Thank you Ai for voicing it out." I mumbled more to myself.

Glad to be of assistance master... ^~^

"Did you just seriously use a emoticon while talking in my head?...how did you even do that?... well nevermind were here."

Looking at the rundown building filled with grafitti and trash in front me, I couldn't help but recall my memories as a kid living in this ramshackled place. Back then it wasn't so dirty since my aunt pretty much maintained it.

Ever since her death my uncle became a deprived fool who could only waste away in gambling dens, even using me as a bargaining chip several times, luckily I have the technical skills to pull of jobs such as repairing junk or I might have lost my innocence a lot earlier.

Master, two Sentinel patrols are heading your way... base on the surveillance Equipment I managed to tapped in they are unaware of our current location.

"Understood Ai... well here goes."

I walked forward towards the front door and swiftly morphed one of my fingers in the shape of a familiar Key I use to possess before leaving this place for Vandal. Thanks to Ai I can quickly recall minute Details from my memories without any effort at all.

With a click I entered the house and close the door behind me.

This old house which resembled a small warehouse was all I got back then. Hopefully I can put this place to good use and recoup my losses.

Sigh I wonder what everyones doing right now?.. Haha probably babbling nonstop about the things they usually do.

That Girl... what... is she doing right now?....

I trailed off as I walked towards the back of the warehouse and rested on a wall and fell asleep.

Hey everyone back from the dead. Sorry for the wait so here is my shortest update ever... hope you stick around for the next ciao!


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