Fallout #14

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"Hugo! Are you safe?" Marga called out.

"I'm here!" Hugo answered. The four of them held tight to the seats of the upside-down car, as debris and strong winds crashed into them.

CLANG CLASH CRACKLE went the falling rocks and concrete. One particularly large rock crashed beside the group, shaking the ground like an earthquake. The shards of glass danced with the rumble and twired away in the wind.

The walkie-talkie clicked, "You need to get underground! The radiation will permanently damage your bodies!"

Tia Marga spoke back, "Where do we go?!"

No response from the walkie-talkie.

"Damit," said Marga, exasperated. The group squinted out the broken windows of the car, looking for cover.

"The sewer!" said Adam, pointing several yards away at a sewer lid. "Let's go, hurry!"

They crawled out of the car, Hugo and Marga scraped their knees even more as they exited the flipped car. Adam and Bobby rushed to the sewer lid and flung it open with ease. They helped down Marga and Hugo first, Adam came after with Bobby being last.

"My toothbrushes," Bobby sighed. He glanced at his backpack one last time before putting the sewer lid over the hole. Climbing down the ladder under the lid, the echoes of falling debris shook the walls of the sewer.

"You think there's anything down here?" said Adam, looking down both ends of the tunnel. It was just several inches taller than Adam.

"Can't say," said Bobby.

Hugo covered his nose. The stench was rancid.

"Get used to it kid," Bobby nudged. "It's only gonna get worse." He shook his head.

"Hello?" said Tia Marga into the walkie-talkie. "Why aren't you responding?"

"Maybe they're dead," Bobby answered.

The others did not respond. They took a second to breathe and think.

"Wait. How did they know about the radiation? Follow up, who even is it on the other end?"

Marga clicked the walkie-talkie and held it up to her mouth. "Hello?" She said calmly, "Who are you?"

"If you want to live, you shouldn't be asking those questions," said the person in the walkie-talkie.

The group remained silent. They glanced at each other with nervous stares. Hugo felt his stomach drop. It looked as if the sewer was shrinking and he began to hyperventilate.

"Woah, woah, there..." said Bobby. He put his arms out to catch Hugo.

"What's happening?" said Adam.

"He's stressed. Is there any fresh air we can get to?" said Marga. She and Bobby helped Hugo sit on a dry shelf on the sewer wall.

"I don't know if there's any in here...Why don't you ask your friend?" Marga glared at Adam somewhat annoyed but still spoke into the walkie-talkie.

"We need help. A way out. Now," said Marga.

"Head north. Keep left, then the second right. There should be a sign. Follow it," the walkie-talkie answered.

Marga, Adam and Bobby traded unsure looks, but Hugo was still struggling to breathe.

"Let's go," said Adam. He turned northward in the sewer and Marga and Bobby lifted Hugo to his feet.

"Come on, buddy. Hang tight for us," said Bobby.

Up the sewers they went. Left, then at the second right, they turned. Hugo could walk but his heart was beating faster and faster.

"We gotta hurry!" said Bobby to the others. Hugo's arm was around his shoulders.

They found the sign at the end of the tunnel. "Six Flags Sewage Facility" was labeled onto a door. Adam turned the knob and the door opened easily. Behind was more sewer, but more electrical boxes and doors along with it. He looked back at the others, unsure of the place.

"Better there than here," said Bobby.

The walkie-talkie clicked, "Enter, and go into the emergency medical room. It has been relatively untouched."

Once again exchanging unsure glances, the group entered. The door slowly closed behind them with an audible locking noise. Marga pulled on the knob, but it wouldn't open. "Oh no," she said.

Adam stepped ahead and found the emergency medical room. As he entered the room, he called out, "Get in, quick!"

When Bobby, Marga and Hugo entered, it was like a regular doctor's office. With a large chair and medical supplies. Bobby and Marga laid Hugo onto the chair, and his breath slowed as he felt the comfort of the large chair.

"Wow. How knew this was down here," said Bobby.

Adam flipped over a sign on one of the shelves. "Authorized Personnel Only. Huh. Makes sense."

Marga sat right by Hugo's side as he calmed down. "Feeling better yet?"

Hugo nodded with a yawn.

"Looks like you could use a rest," said Marga.

Bobby chuckled, "We all could use a rest."

"Yeah. Maybe not here though." Adam cracked open the door and peeked through. "I don't trust how this place looks."

The walkie-talkie clicked, "It's okay...You can rest."

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