The Twins #25

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"If you do anything, someone gonna die," said the tall man to Hugo and the others. They positioned their hands in view of Hugo's captor. The combat knife pressed against Hugo's neck but not enough to cut him.

The skinny woman stood up with her knife out to Hugo's back. "Listen to him!" she said slightly nasally.

"Oh you got a kid," said the man. "That's unfortunate. What are you looking for out here? You dont look like you're from Bakersfield."

"We were following the helicopter," Hugo answered.

The man lifted his head and glanced over to the downed helicopter. "Why?" he asked.

"My sister was in there," Hugo answered.

The man rubbed his tongue over his teeth, it showed under his lips. "I'll help you...if you help me."

"How will you help us?" Hugo answered.

"Why is he the only one talking? Does he speak for you all?" the man snapped.

Dylan lowered his face slightly, Carmen noticed.

The man shook his head slightly at the group. "I saw what happened here. I got answers to your questions, but I need you to help me."

"And me!" said the woman.

"Got that?" the man said, gripping his knife harder.

"What's the plan?" said Hugo, nervous about the knife at his throat.

The man lowered the knife and pushed Hugo forward.

"Don't even think about running," the man threatened. They noticed how toned his legs were. He pointed the knife towards Bakersfield that was a few walking minutes up the road. The group started walking with the two strangers close behind.

Entering into the outer edge of Bakersfield, it was littered with trash and corpses. The smell of rotting flesh and decomposing bodily fluids was almost suffocating.

"Ugh!" Carmen said. She held her nose shut but the thought of breathing through her mouth made her gag.

Rosy began to cry.

"Shhh. It's okay Rosy," Hugo said. He took her from Carmen and rocked her in his arms.

"You're lucky there's no teethers around here or else we'd all be dead," said the tall man.

"What do you mean 'there's no teethers?" Dylan asked.

"Oh, you'll see," the man answered with a chuckle.

"What did you say your name was?" Hugo asked.

The man paused, hesitant at the question. "Mordecai," he said plainly.

Hugo looked at the woman beside Mordecai.

"Genesis!" she smiled. She grabbed onto Mordecai's arm tightly. "We're twins."

Hugo hoped for a rebuttal from Mordecai.

"What are you looking at?" Mordecai snarled at Hugo.

"Nothing," Hugo said, turning back around.

For a moment no one spoke, but Rosy kept crying. Walking through the residential streets of Bakersfield, they came upon a decent two-story house and entered the gate on the side of the house to the back yard. In the backyard they went through a door into the house to find it still moderately intact. The front door was nailed shut along with the windows and a stash of food was kept under the floorboards.

Mordecai took a pack of baby food from the stash and gave it to Hugo. "Here. Feed her."

Hugo began to feed Rosy.

"There's surprisingly a lot of baby food in the apocalypse," Dylan commented. He leaned over the island in the center of the kitchen, where everyone gathered around.

"Well surprise, not a lot of babies survive the apocalypse," Mordecai responded.

Genesis eyed Hugo giving Rosy some of the food. It was strangely chunky, yet still apparently safe to eat. Mordecai flicked Genesis's side, interrupting her staring. "Stop it."

Hugo looked up from Rosy to Mordecai and Genesis, confused.

"She likes to eat baby food because it tastes like mashed potatoes," said Mordecai.

Hugo awkwardly continued feeding Rosy. "So, what do you need us to do?"

"There's a pharmacy up the street in downtown Bakersfield that's basically untouched. It was already locked up when the Outbreak began and it's been stuck like that since," said Mordecai.

"So what? You want us to break in?" Hugo asked.

Mordecai nodded 'yes'.

"What's the catch?" said Jacob.

"It's swarming with teethers!" Genesis shouted. Everyone started to murmur amongst themselves.

"Is she okay?" Jacob answered. No one heard him.

"Swarming with teethers?" Hugo repeated to himself.

Dylan stepped to Hugo, "We should go."

"Dammit Genesis! Why would you say that?" Mordecai snapped.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Genesis said, covering her ears.

"You were sending us there to die," Hugo said as he stood up.

Mordecai pointed the knife at Hugo. "Now listen, hold up!"

Carmen and Jacob started backing up. Mordecai noticed the tension rising and reached for Rosy. Hugo smacked Mordecai's skinny arm away and picked up Rosy, handing her to Carmen.

"Hey! Don't think about it!" said Mordecai pointing the knife. He stood in a ready position to run. "Just hear me out!"

"What?" Hugo said, annoyed.

"That pharmacy has got a lot of stuff in there. Stuff for weeks, months!"

Hugo pondered the thought. "I'll go, but you come with me."

"You know what? Fine." Mordecai said, holding the knife and his hands in the air. "Let's go."

Dylan leaned into Hugo's ear and whispered, "Quick to change his attitude." He leaned back from Hugo.

"But the others stay here," Hugo stated.

"What about the boys?" Mordecai nodded at Dylan and Jacob.

"I'm not risking anyone else's life," Hugo said.

Dylan leaned back in, "Are you sure about this?"

"I don't have a choice," Hugo answered.

Jacob joined the conversation, "Hugo, I'll go too."

"No, you watch Carmen and Rosy. Give me that," Hugo answered.

"Come back, alright?" Jacob answered.

Hugo nodded, turning back to Mordecai.

"Okay, let's go," Hugo said.

Mordecai gave Hugo the pocketknife that Genesis had. "It's all we got," was Mordecai's reason. And the two went off into Downtown Bakersfield to raid the pharmacy.

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