Yosemite Valley Pt3 #45

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"What plan?" said Jacob.

Hugo opened his mouth but hesitated. His eyes darted between Carmen, Jacob and Chris. "We're gonna take the valley," said Hugo, grimly.

The others glanced between each other unsurely.

"H- how?" said Chris.

"Just, trust me," said Hugo. He turned around and kneeled beside the dead sheriff. "Where is it?" he whispered, feeling through the sheriff's pockets. Hooked on the sheriff's belt was a ring of keys, one of which was a button from a car. Hugo clicked it and a nearby sheriff's car went off. "There," Hugo said, pointing to the car. He stood up but his eye got caught on the dead sheriff's gun. Hugo pondered. Turning around it was only Lila and Chris without guns.

"Don't shoot this without my permission," Hugo said to Lila as he handed the gun to her.

The others watched. Chris gave Carmen a side eye, she was unsurprised.

"Come on, we're taking the car," said Hugo. He brought everyone to the car. Hugo opened the back door for the others. Hugo sat in the front when he looked back to see only Lila in the back. Everyone else was still outside looking at the car.

"Well?" Hugo said.

Carmen turned her head to Jacob and Chris, giving them a cold look. She walked and sat in the passenger seat. With a quiet sigh, Jacob and Chris sat in the back with Lila.

Hugo drove off. He rammed the gates which were so flimsy the car barely moved. Hugo drove from Oakhurst up to where the road met the fires.

At the fires, Hugo stopped the car.

"So what next?" said Carmen.

"We go to the tunnel," said Hugo. He turned off the car and got out, followed by everyone else. "This way," Hugo said. He led the group leftwards off the road, around the fire. "When we find the entrance to the tunnel, we'll squeeze through and sneak our way down to the valley.

The crackling of the fire was the only noise that could be heard. The mountain started to get steeper, to the point where not paying attention could cause you to slip and fall. Hugo held Lila's hand, helping her safely continue.

Up above the mountain, a burning tree began to CRACK. It echoed throughout the area and it snapped in half. The log tumbled down the mountain, slamming into trees and breaking into smaller pieces. Ash rained down on the group and the larger pieces rolled by. It was practically dust and splinters by the time it hit the bottom.

Through the trees they could see the midday sun light up the surrounding mountains and hills. The wall of fire spread into the horizon.

The mountain started to level off slightly, and the group came upon the road again. On one end it came out of the fire, and the other end continued around the mountain.

"I think this is it," said Chris.

They followed the road around the mountain, and arrived at the mouth of the tunnel. It was entirely blocked off by wood and stone.

"It's blocked?" said Jacob.

"Yes, but when I was here there was a little hole," Hugo said. He climbed up the barricade, looking for the way in, but when he looked there was no hole. The stone completely filled the entrance all the way to the top.

"No! I saw it! I know I did!" said Hugo.

"Did they see you go into the tunnel?" Chris asked.

Hugo climbed down from the barricade. "Maybe."

"Yeah, then this was them," Chris answered. He put his hands on his side and nodded to himself.

Anger started to show on Hugo's face. He looked around, searching for a path through the fire, but nothing, except for the slope down the mountain. He walked to the edge of the road and looked over. He could barely see the bottom but from what he could make out, there was a river.

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