Doors #15

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"What the hell?" said Adam Driver. He turned to Marga, who had the walkie talkie in her hand, and snatched it from her. "Who is this? What do you want from us?" he said, almost furious.

The walkie-talkie clicked, "You're in a safe place. The explosion can't hurt you from there."

Adam spoke again, but did not click the talk button on the device, "What about the radiation?"

The walkie-talkie clicked again, "It won't affect you from here, at least not yet."

Adam turned the walkie-talkie over and removed the batteries. "They can hear us," he said to the others.

Hugo's hyperventilation started to slow down; he was barely realizing his surroundings. "What's going on?"

"They're watching us," Adam said with a scowl. He found a small metal bar from one of the cabinets and opened the door.

"Adam, don't," said Marga.

"I don't have a choice," Adam answered, still facing the door. He left the room, the door closed, and the metal bar fell to the ground.


"Adam!" said Marga. She and Bobby ran to the door and opened it. The metal bar was rolling across the hall and Adam was missing.

"Oh no, don't tell me..." Bobby started to whine, with his hands on his forehead.

"Adam?" Marga said into the hall.

From a vent in the room, a voice came: "Don't follow Adam now. Stay in the room until further instruction."

A shiver went down their spines.

"What are we gonna do?" said Bobby.

Marga rubbed her forehead and exhaled slowly from her nose. "We sleep."

"What?" said Hugo. He regretted asking the question. Marga was very clearly uncomfortable, but she was doing her best to keep calm.

"We sleep. No more questions," she said. She sat with her back against the door. Bobby laid down against the opposite wall.

"Do you want to sleep on the chair?" Hugo said to Marga, starting to step off.

"No, Hugo. Just sleep."

Hugo quickly sat back down in the chair. They all laid for a moment with the light on, their eyes still open.

The voice from the vent came again, it was cold and raspy; "Lights out," and the lights shut off without warning.


The next morning, Bobby jumped from his sleep.

"Ah!" he said. Everyone else jumped at the noise.

"What?" said Hugo, he rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"Sorry. Had a nightmare. I was trapped in a freaky dungeon in the middle of the apocalypse...Never mind, I was awake all night."

"Get up," said Marga, standing up from the door. "We're getting out."

Hugo stepped off of the chair. "What about Adam?"

"We don't know where Adam is, but Lila needs us."

"Lila?" said Bobby. "Who's Lila?"

"My sister," said Hugo, almost sadly.

"Oh, right, right, right," Bobby nodded his head awkwardly. "So that's it then? We're just leaving the other dude?"

"We don't have a choice," said Marga.

"Okay, lead the way," said Bobby, "Wait..." He turned around to the cabinets in the room and dug through them.

"What are you looking for?" said Hugo.

"Something useful. Maybe even a toothbrush. You never know what you might need." In one cabinet, Bobby found an open box of toothpicks, sewing supplies, and toothpaste. "Better than nothing," he said while placing the toothpaste into his pants pocket.

"Ok, we go back the way we came. We ram that door and if it doesn't open then we do whatever we can to get to the surface," said Marga. Hugo and Bobby nodded agreeingly.

Marga opened the door and slowly peeked her head out. The hall was empty, and the metal pipe was still there. Hugo took it and the three of them carefully went to the door they came from. First, Marga gently turned the handle, but it was locked. He glanced at Bobby and Hugo, signaling them to ram the door.

Stepping back and taking a deep breath, they rammed the door.


They bounced back, groaning as they clenched their sides.

"What happened?" Marga whispered.

"It's rock solid. Like there's something behind," Bobby said through his clenched teeth.

"Then come on, we can't stop," said Marga. She helped Bobby and Hugo up, and the three of them went through the halls once more. They shook the handles of every door they came across.

"Locked. Locked. Locked. They're all locked!" said Bobby.

"Sh!" said Marga and Hugo.

"Hello?" said a woman. She was in a door up ahead. "Is somebody there?"

"Quiet!" Marga whispered somewhat loudly. The three stepped closer to the door. Marga leaned into the cracks of the door. "Are you okay? Do you need help?"

"Yes. My daughter, she's sick," said the woman.

"Don't worry. We'll get you out," Marga turned to Bobby. Bobby nodded and came up to the door.

"Stand back," he said. After three seconds, he kicked the door wide open.

BOOM It echoed through the halls.

The light in the room was off.

"Hello? You there?" said Bobby. He and Marga leaned into the room.

From the dark, the shoes of a young girl crept out and the sound of an awaking baby could be heard.

"Hello there, where's your mom?" said Marga.

As the girl stepped into the light, she had the baby in her arms.

"Oh man," said Bobby, slightly shaking his head with a saddened expression.

The girl seemed young and malnourished. Her clothes didn't fit her.

"What happened to you?" said Marga.

The girl frowned and looked down at her baby. "They told me they had a place for me and her."

"Who's they?" said Hugo.

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