Born still

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One shot (AU)
Themes of stillbirth, grief

Born sleeping on 24th june, 2022
"I carried you every second of your life, and I will love you for every second of mine."

Akshara placed a bouquet of white chrysanthemums on the gravestone, and kissed her fingertips before running her fingers on the headstone.

"Hi baby, I've missed you so much, I know I promised to visit more last time, but I-I couldn't, I'm sorry my love, I hope you're not troubling your nana and nani too much. Mumma is okay, a lot more kids have joined the orphanage now, so mumma has been spending time with them, teaching them how to read and sing. Mumma loves you so much baby, and I promise we'll meet each other again."

She moved to the nearby gravestone.

Naira Goenka Kartik Goenka

Always loved, never forgotten

"Hi Mumma, Papa - how are you both? I'm doing okay, no I'm sorry I lied, it's getting tougher, they say time heals all wounds, but mine just seem to be getting deeper and deeper, it's getting tougher to wake up each day, it's getting tougher to keep going - sometimes I just want to sleep - I miss him so much, sometimes I get so mad at God, I have begged and pleaded with him to return my child or agar woh nahi kar sakta, then atleast take me to him, I don't think I can go on like this for longer, it hurts so much, I just want my baby, I just want him in my arms." Akshara dropped to her knees, tears trailing down her cheeks.

6 years, it had been 6 long years since that stormy night, the day she lost her baby boy.
Stillborn. That's what the doctor's had called Abhir. Her baby who arrived into this world without making so much as a whimper, the silence echoing through the room. Her baby who didn't even take a single breath. Her baby who didn't open his eyes. Her baby who she held in her arms for as long as the doctors would allow, memorising him as much as she could, taking in his 10 toes and fingers, his little nose, his thick hair just like his papa's.

There were no words to express her grief,
She was grieving something that never was
How do you remember someone with whom you shared no memories with.
How do you love someone whom you don't know.
All she had were the plans she had made for their future, all she could do was wonder about the child she never got to know.
She had to return to the home she had planned to raise her child in with her arms empty and her heart filled with pain.
They say that you become a parent the moment you get to know about your child existence, but what happens if you loose your child, you don't stop being a parent.
She was a mother without her baby.

She suddenly heard the leaves crunch behind her, she turned around only to come face to face with Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu had been driving to the hospital, when he caught a glimpse of Akshara. 6 years, it had been 6 years since anyone had last heard or seen from her. Aside from the few calls she had made to him, no one had known if she had been alive or dead.
He chased after her, he didn't know why he did, he just knew he had to see her, see her with his own eyes.
He followed her into the cemetery, only for his eyes to fall upon a small gravestone, covered with white chrysanthemums.

Abhir Abhimanyu Birla

"Wh-what" He stumbled back, his face pale, hands trembling.

Akshara gazed at him, he looked older now, his cheeks gaunt,his hazel eyes which used to bewitch and ensnare her, were now covered by a pair of spectacles.

"Abhimanyu aur Akshara se bana Abhir, he's why I kept calling you." Akshara whispered.

"No, No pl-please no" Abhimanyu choked out, this was not happening. This was not happening.

"The doctors called him a stillborn, that there wasn't anything that could have been done."

He had a son, Akshara had been pregnant, his son died - and he hadn't even known.
He would have never known, how could his anger have blinded him so much ? How could he have been so cruel?

Abhimanyu dropped to his knees, tears trailing down his cheeks,he let out a guttural scream.
His chest ached, surely ripping his heart out was better than this. How could he have ruined everything.
"I'm sorry" Akshara whispered before walking off.

A/N - right so I should probably stop watching sad Akshu edits on twitter.

So this is an AU of what if Abhir hadn't made it.
Tbh while I love Abhira and I love their chem, scenarios like these pop in my head and their reunion just doesn't seem possible some times.

Do comment and let me know what you guys thought <3

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