Blood is thicker than water 2

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Medical Camp, Udaipur

Abhimanyu dropped to his knees, Junior was his son? His son was dying?

All his moments with Abhir flashed in his eyes, the instant connection,the restlessness he felt the past few days, the peace he felt when Abhir was in his arms, the overwhelming love that engulfed him - Abhir was his son, his and Akshara's, their miracle baby.

He missed it. He missed everything. His son's birth,his son's first words, his son's first steps.

Suddenly the realisation crept in - that meant Akshara was pregnant when he divorced her. His Akshu had been pregnant, she had needed him and he threw her out. He abandoned the girl he had promised to cherish his whole life.

Oh God ! What had he done ? What had he done? How could he have been so cruel ? His anger had destroyed everything. He had destroyed everything.

Akshara braced herself for Abhimanyu's anger, she knew he was going to lash out, blame her for keeping his son away.

"I'm sorry Akshu, I-I'm so sorry, I ruined everything. You needed me and I wasn't there, I'm so so-sorry." Abhimanyu broke out in heartbreaking sobs.

Akshara raised her eyes in shock, tears streaming down her face, her barriers crashing down. For so long, all her memories of Abhimanyu had been plagued by the harsh words he had spewed at her that day, but to see him breaking down and apologising, she felt her heart break all over again.

Why ? Why had fate been so cruel to them ?

"Abhi-Abhimanyu please you have to get yourself together please, Abhir he needs you, I know you have a lot of questions and I promise I will answer them, but we don't have time." Akshara quickly composed herself, they didn't have time to breakdown, her son's life was at stake.

"Doe-does he know?" Abhimanyu asked sniffing.

Akshara took a deep breath, it was time to come clean, "He does, he doesn't know it's you but I told him Abhinav ji is his step father to make it easier for him to understand."

"Easier ?" Abhimanyu asked

Akshara hesitated, "Abhinav ji and I- we are not married, I couldn't marry anyon- the point is I made Abhinav ji Abhir's guardian, incase anything were to happen to me- you are listed as the father on the birth certificate. It was easier for us to portray being a married couple especially since it was a small town, and I was selfish, I- I didn't want Abhir to grow up like I did, without a father, and when you were refusing to hear me out.."

Abhi please it's about babies, please just hear me out

Abhimanyu flinched, he loathed himself, she had tried, despite everything he had done to her, she had tried to inform him. He had been the architect of his own destruction.

Birla hospital, Udaipur

Abhimanyu and Akshara sat infront of the doctor, they had arrived at Birla hospital to conduct the test to determine whether Abhimanyu was a match.

"Dr.Trivedi, what if I'm not a match, what then, what are our other options?" Abhimanyu voiced out both his and Akshara's fears, Akshara was already not a match, and even he knew that finding unrelated donors was a very difficult task.

Dr.Trivedi hesitated, he knew what he was going to propose was unconventional especially considering the history Dr.Birla and Ms.Akshara shared.

"Usually in these cases,a sibling is the best donor, since Abhir's case has been diagnosed relatively early, his best chance would be a savior sibling, a child conceived via in vitro to provide the required stem cells."

Akshara flinched before whispering, "I-I don't think I can have any more kids, my pregnancy was very complicated, and while delivering I underwent massive bleeding, the doctors had to conduct a partial hysterectomy to save my life."

"Mumma was unconscious for 4 days after giving birth to me, papa looked after me all those days."  Abhir's words flitted through his mind, and so did the sinking realisation, she could have died- Abhir and Akshara both could have died and he wouldn't have even known about it.

He hadn't been there by her side during the birth of their child, she didn't have anyone holding her hand - telling her that everything was going to be okay, she had been alone and terrified, not knowing if she was going to be able to hold their son, not knowing if their son was safe or what was going to happen to him, she must have felt so devastated on hearing that she couldn't have more babies. His Akshu whose biggest dream had been to be a mother.

Abhimanyu started gasping for breath, his chest constricting with pain - he didn't deserve them, he didn't deserve them.

"Doctor, the results have arrived."

A/n : so what do you guys think - is Abhimanyu a match ?

So this brings this two shot to an end. I figured I'd leave it as an open ending, otherwise it might get too long.

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