Leave a light on

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A/N : Set after the events of 'Holding on and letting go'

"Mumma, now that Papa has become a star. do you think he can see us" Abhir suddenly asked, it was a lovely evening, the sun slowly setting painting the sky in golden hues, they were sitting in the garden working on Abhir's homework.

Akshara took a moment, silently gazing at her son, after Abhinav had passed away - Abhir had been furious at the world, his anger a living breathing entity that threatened to consume everything in sight.
It had taken a lot of time and lot of patience for her son to accept his grief but now he was in a better place, and she knew Abhimanyu had played a huge part in that, he who understood that anger better than anyone else.

She missed her lil Abhir though the one who drew abs on his stomach and hated baingan, he was quieter now, more melancholic but still healing.

She wanted no needed her baby to process his grief in a healthy manner, it tore her apart to know that he had been doomed to the same fate as she was, that he was standing right where she had been as a child drowning amidst the waves of loss and pain. But Akshara was determined, Abhir would raise above this, she would not let him be knocked down by life like she had been, she would be and do everything her son needed, everything that perhaps a younger Akshara Goenka had needed.

"You know Abhir, no matter where your Papa is, he is always looking over you, always guiding you.

Aapko pata hai, when I was younger and whenever I terribly missed my parents and wanted to talk to them, I used to send up a lantern."


"Hmm" Akshara hummed in agreement, "I used to write whatever I wanted to tell them and send it in the sky."

Abhir fidgeted with his books for a while before mumbling, "D-do you think I can send one to papa too"

"Of course my love" Akshara quickly went to gather the supplies. She hoped this would help ease Abhir's heart.

Just as they sat down, Ruhi hopped into the garden with Abhimanyu and the rest of the Birla's in tow. She had forgotten that today was their weekly family dinner.

"Billa boy, what are you making?"

As Abhir went onto explain what he was doing, Ruhi went quiet for a moment before looking at Akshara, her tone a bit hesitant "Maasi, can you teach me too, I want to make one for papa too"

Her eyes locked with Abhimanyu's in that fleeting moment, a million words unsaid before she nodded and went on to teach Ruhi how to make the lantern.

A few moments passed before Ruhi said "Maasi, you knew Papa right, c-could you tell me what he was like?"

Akshara felt her chest ache, God it hurt, thinking about Neil always hurt, they say time heals all wounds but she had been never allowed to grieve, her wound ever growing, festering with time, stealing the breath from her lungs and wreaking havoc on her soul.

She felt the familiar tendrils of panic grip her, the edges of her vision dotted black, she couldn't breathe, she couldn't breathe

"Maasi" a tiny hand tugged at her, the sweet voice grounding her, anchoring her. Her vision cleared, her lungs expanding with each breath. She looked at the little girl infront of her, Neil's aakhri nishaani, the child he had left in her care.

She really was the perfect blend of her parents, warm brown eyes just like Neil's, nose just like Aarohi's - all sharp and upturned but her smile, her smile was all Abhi.

Akshara let out a shaky breath, she owed it to the little girl sitting in front of her with curious round eyes, she owed it to the brother who fought till his last breath for her.

"Your father was my first friend in Udaipur..." and so Akshara spent the evening talking to Ruhi about her papa Neil her partner in crime, her brother, her laxman, who was warm, so warm like the Sun and funny. Neil who loved kachori's and always had a jugaad up his sleeve. Neil who always used to rub his left ear when he lied, " Matashree says I do the same thing" Ruhi laughed.

Abhimanyu watched as his little Ruhi lit up, her tiny frame shaking in laughter, he watched as the rest of the family gathered, each of them pitching in with a story of their own, shaking their heads in laughter.
He watched as his brother was celebrated, reminisced with so much joy and so much love. This what his brother deserved, for his memories to be honoured and cherished. This is what his Ruhi deserved. He hoped wherever his brother was, he was looking down and he was happy, his wish fulfilled, seeing his two favourite people together.

It was Tayji who started to make a lantern of her own, one for Anisha she said, her eyes misty.

Soon the entire family made lanterns of their own, remembering the loved ones they lost.

Akshara and Aarohi lit one for their mother's Sirat and Naira together. Their mothers who would have burned down the world for them. It was a poignant moment, the air filled with shrieks of their children's laughter, their children who perhaps had the same fate as their mother's but who had broken the cycle, their innocence preserved.


Akshara walked towards Abhimanyu with a lantern. He was busy clearing the table, the rest of the family had slowly left and it was just the two of them left to clean up everything.

Abhimanyu looked up only to see Akshara holding up a pink lantern, a pink lantern with the name 'Aaira' written on it.

I have a feeling its a boy and a girl, Abhir and Aaira Birla

"She was yours just as much as she was mine" Akshara whispered, a tear trail down her cheek.

And they stood beside each other, watching as the lantern became nothing but a tiny dot in the sky, allowing each other to grieve the baby girl they never got to meet, to give voice to all the dreams, all the what-if's and what could have beens.

A/N :
Akshu and Neil were one of my fav bonds & Ruhi getting to know abt her papa from Akshu had been such a dream of mine 💔

So the lantern scene is inspired from TVD also fun fact most of my chapter headings are actually song titles from the TVD soundtrack <3

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Lots of love <3

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