Turn back time

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One shot set after Abhimanyu's accident

Birla Hospital, Udaipur

Abhimanyu opened his eyes only to stare at a white ceiling, the familiar beeping of machines ringing in his ears. What was he doing in the hospital ? What happened ? He tried to remember only for a sharp pain to shoot through his head, his vision blurring.

"Dr.Abhimanyu, can you hear me? Are you okay?" He heard Dr.Rohan's voice in the background.

He waited for a minute trying to breathe through the pain and then turned his gaze to Dr.Rohan and croaked out, "Yeah I'm okay, wha-what happened?"

Dr.Rohan hesitated and then said, "Sir, you were in a major accident, your condition was very critical, we thought we almost you."

An accident ? Why wasn't he being able to remember anything and where was Akshu? Was she in the accident with him ? Was she okay ?

Abhimanyu frantically looked around the room, "Where's Akshu?"

Dr.Rohan looked at him in shock, and Abhimanyu's felt his heart clench "Where's Akshu? Was she in the accident with me?" He heard the machines started beeping rapidly, his heart rate going off the roof.

"Wo-woh Sir"

"What's happening here?" His aunt, Dr.Mahima quickly entered the room.

"Tayji, where's my Akshu?" He knew his Akshu, she wouldn't have left his side unless she herself was not well.

"Abhimanyu" Tayji seemed at a loss for words.

Abhimanyu jumped from the bed, ripping off his IV's, he needed to find his Akshu, she had to be okay, he couldn't loose her, he would die a thousand deaths.

"Abhimanyu, what are you doing? You're still recovering, please control yourself."

"I won't ask again Tayji, where's Akshu? Where's my fucking wife?" He growled, his eyes blazing with pain and anger.

Birla Hospital, Udaipur

Akshara took a deep breath, her hands clenching on the handle of Abhimanyu's room.

Mahima Birla walked out of Abhimanyu's room into the hall where the Goenka's and Birla's were waiting.

Manjiri Birla rushed to her sister, "Is he okay? Is my Abhi okay?"

Mahima stared at her sister, and then turned her attention to Akshara, she had never been overtly fond of the girl and never understood her nephew's obsession with her, but it seemed fate always had a way of bringing them in-front of one another.

"Abhimanyu's condition was very critical, he had suffered major trauma to the head, thankfully he has gained consciousness but in cases like this, the patient's do undergo through short periods of amnesia" she hesitated for a bit and continued, "He was asking for Akshara, he referred to her as his wife and went almost ballistic, we had to sedate him."

Manjiri stumbled back, "Didi what are you saying"

"I'm saying that Abhimanyu seems to have forgotten the last couple of years, it's short term and his memory should regain back, but we cannot force it, it has to happen on it's own otherwise it could lead to very serious repercussions, he could even loose his memory for good."

Mahima turned to Akshara, "He will wake up in a few hours, and he's going to start asking for you again, it's better if we all just play along for a couple of days, he is too weak now, maybe after a few days we can start acclimatising him."

Roohdaariyan - Abhira OS and short stories Where stories live. Discover now