Part 2

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2 weeks later 

Lex was throwing a party at the Luthor mansion when his parents were away for a few days. All the popular kids were invited, including you, of course. You and Lex were pretty close friends, best friends even.  You would often hang out together at the Luthor mansion.

Lena hated going to parties, but of course, she didn't really have a choice this time. She hated Lex throwing parties in their house, but Lex always managed to convince her not to tell their parents. Lena usually just locks herself in her room when Lex throws his parties. 

Lex's parties were always huge, majority of the seniors would come to the party. Lex always made sure to have a lot of food, snacks, drinks and alcohol at his parties. At every one of his parties there were always at least 70-100 people coming. Lex's college friends would also attend as they would be the ones to supply the alcohol. 

You were getting ready for the party with one of your close friends, Taylor. "Come on, we're going to be late," Taylor shouts, as you are still upstairs. "It's impossible to be late for this kind of party," you say as you walk down the stairs. "You look great by the way," you add. 

"Come on, let's go. We're taking my car," Taylor says. "I'm driving you back though, because I know you're gonna get drunk, as always." You say. "No, I won't, I'm not drinking tonight," Taylor insists. "That's what you always say."

You got to the party, and it was in full swing by now. You went inside and were greeted by Lex. "Hey guys, do you want to play beer pong?" Lex asks. "Hell yes," Taylor exclaims.

"Uhh, I'm not drinking tonight, so no. But you go ahead." You say. "That's a shame, you're the best at beer pong," Lex says, walking away and Taylor following behind.

You go to the kitchen to grab a drink. You just get a bottle of water. You go outside for a bit, where people are messing around by the pool. When people start jumping in the pool you go back inside as you don't want to get wet. 

Lena's POV

I could hear the party downstairs, loud as always, but I realized I had forgotten one of my prototypes I was working on for a project that I needed to keep safe.

I make my way downstairs and towards the kitchen where I left it. I walked in, not looking up at first, but as I was about to look up at the counter where my prototype was, I slipped. 

I closed my eyes as I was prepared to hit the floor. But I didn't, I opened my eyes confused. That's when I realised someone caught me.

It was none other than Y/n Y/l/n herself. Of course, it had to be her that I embarrassed myself in front of. She will never let me live this down. A few other people in the room saw this happen too.

"You just can't help falling for me, can you?" she says to me with a smirk. My face starts heating up mostly from embarrassment as I quickly get out of her grasp, I grab my project and quickly go back upstairs; not wanting to embarrass myself further. I hear Y/n chuckle as I walk away. Usually I would have a comeback, but I was just too embarrassed to say anything. 

Why am I so clumsy all the time. This isn't even the first time something like this happened. In our sophomore year a similar thing happened at school. Except nobody really noticed as she caught me instantly and didn't make a big scene of it. I will die of embarrassment any time I see her from now on. 

Y/n's POV

I smiled to myself after the encounter with the Luthor girl, I saw how flustered she got. It was quite entertaining, really. I went to find Taylor and she was already pretty drunk; we have been here for less than an hour and she's already near wasted.

She was dancing around among some other people, then she started dancing up on some college student who also looked quite drunk. "Not gonna drink my ass," I mumble as I observe my friend.

I decided it was time for her to go home, so I got Taylor and brought her home before she did anything stupid. I stayed with her for a bit to make sure she's okay. I only left after she fell asleep.

I left her car in her driveway and walked home; it was only a 25-minute walk, so it wasn't that far. It was nice to clear my head, the evening wasn't too cold, so I stopped by at the park close to my house. There weren't many people around as it was about 11 pm right now. I sat down on one of the swings and gazed at the stars for a bit, once again recalling the earlier incident, making me chuckle to myself. 

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