Part 28

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The next day, Kat makes sure you and Lena come to the party, saying that she'll drag you there if she has to.

You didn't really see why it was such a big deal anyway. This was just another excuse for the party people to throw a party considering less than half of the attendees wore a Halloween costume.

That included you. You never dressed up for Halloween and you weren't about to start. Lena on the other hand just put on some cat ears and called it a day.

When you got to the party the music was booming and people were acting crazy and doing stupid shit.

You honestly couldn't understand how some of these people even ended up in college, especially one like this, considering how little they actually care about their studies.

Although you agreed to come here, you weren't planning on staying long. You and Lena stuck together the whole night as you were really only here because Kat dragged you.

Just as you were talking to Lena about leaving soon some drunk idiot approached you and started heavily flirting with Lena.

You gave him a sideeye but didn't say anything, letting Lena reject him herself. But even when she did, he would not stop. You could see that she was uncomfortable by his comments.

"Dude, knock it off," you say as you put yourself between them as Lena steps back. "I wasn't talking to you," he slurs as he tries to grab Lena's hand.

You move in his way again so he can't reach her and he gets angry. He throws a punch. It was sloppy, so you dodged it easily.

"Dude seriously, you're gonna get yourself hurt" you warn him, you really wanted to punch him but you thought you should at least give him a chance to back down since he was clearly stupid and plastered.

He laughs at your warning and swings at you. You easily catch his arm by the wrist and twist his arm behind his back, pain shooting up his body from the tinniest bit of pressure.

"Stay the fuck away from her" you snarl in his ear as you put more pressure on his wrist causing more pain.

He whimpers in pain and you push him forward as you let go of his wrist causing him to stumble and almost face plant the wall in front of him.

You don't stick around any longer, wrapping your arm protectively around Lena's waist as you walk back to your dorm room.

"Are you okay?" You ask her once you leave the party and she nods. "he's an asshole" you mumble which makes Lena smile slightly.

You get back to your room and fall into bed as Lena cuddles into you tightly.


For the next couple of weeks you always seemed to run into that same guy, whose name you found out was Jack.

It annoyed you when you saw him as he never missed the opportunity to flirt with Lena every time he saw her.

The first semester was already coming to an end with just two weeks before exams. You and Lena both had a lot of exams to prepare for as you took more classes than most people, so his constant nagging didn't help.

You were honestly confused how you didn't see him ever for like half of the semester and then after seeing him at the party he's around all the time.

After a few times of his shameless flirting with Lena, which she always shot down, you wished that you had actually punched him at that party, you wanted to do it every time you saw his face but you weren't going to risk getting expelled or something.

You walked with Lena side by side, your classes were finally over for the week so you would have the weekend to relax a bit.

You walked through a communal sitting area in the college as you walked to your dorm. You saw the worried looks on students faces as the corner of the room got crowded, presumingly around someone.

You give Lena a worried look before you start making your way to the front of the crowd. "Don't worry, I know CPR" you hear Jack's annoying voice as he runs up from the other side just as you get to the front of the crowd.

You saw a guy, on the floor struggling to breathe. You saw Jack about to start compressions on the poor guy. "Stop, you'll kill him. You prick" you say annoyed as you shove him away before he can make matters worse.

You crouched down beside the guy as you checked his pulse, his heart was racing and he was burning up. He grasped his chest as he struggled to breathe, you could only assume he had chest pains too.

Jack tries to intervene again but someone holds him back as they knew he had no clue what he's doing. CPR is only used after someones heart stops, doing it on someone who's heart works would kill them.

Lena stands there frozen unsure of what to do as you rushed to help the guy. "Everyone move the fuck back. He needs space" you yell, and most people start moving back with the exception of a few that were just frozen in place.

"Hey look at me" you say to the guy, "I think you're having a panic attack" you tell him. "It's going to be okay, breathe with me okay" you tell him soothingly.

You start breathing in slowly and deeply through your nose before exhaling slowly through your mouth. He follows your breathing like you told him to.

"Keep breathing like that" you say "you're going to be okay" you tell him, his symptoms begin to ease, his heart rate becoming more even as he gets through the panic attack.

You felt relieved as he started to get better. You got so lost in trying to help him that you completely disregarded all the people watching you which usually would have been quite uncomfortable for you.

"Are you okay?" You ask as his breathing evens out. He nods slightly, "thank you" he whispers as his eyes scan the room awkwardly as everyone stared.

"Why are you all still here, got nothing better to do?" you ask raising your voice slightly as you turn to the crowd causing them to start dispersing.

"Do you need anything?" You ask, "was this your first?" You ask and he nods his head slightly. "You should probably get checked out at the hospital, just in case to make sure it's nothing too serious" you tell him as you help him up to his feet.

"Thank you" he whispers again "no problem, I know how scary it can be when you get it for the first time." "You've got this." you say as you pat his shoulder. "if it happens again just remember to not freak out and breathe, it really helps" you add with a smile and he smiles back.

You walk away joining Lena again, that whole interaction was under ten minutes yet felt like an eternity. You let out a sigh of relief as you joined your girlfriend.

Lena looks at you with a raised eyebrow as you continue walking, "what?" You ask with a chuckle, it was so hot when she did that.

"How did you know what was happening?" Lena asks curiously. "You dealt with it so easily," she adds. "It's nothing new, I had panic attacks for years, you learn a thing or two." You answer truthfully.

"You've never told me that," she says suddenly. She had no idea that you had struggled with such a thing. "There was no need to burden you with that, I hadn't had one in a while before we started dating and I've not had one since." You tell her.

My bully | Lena Luthor x G!P readerWhere stories live. Discover now