Part 5

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Today was an exciting day in the high school. The school was running an event to raise money for a charity.

They were doing a charity basketball game, students against teachers. The event has been super hyped up by the students and teachers as they wanted as much participation as possible to raise more money.

The event takes place in the school gym and anyone who wanted to watch it had to pay a small fee to enter. All the proceeds going to a charity. 

You were of course going to participate since you were on the basketball team. It was your mission to make sure the students win.

Lena was not planning to attend the event, but one of her friends managed to convince her to come. When she realized that you were playing, she got kind of excited to go anyway, which surprised her. Why would she be excited just because of you.


The event was about to start, Lena made sure to get here as early as possible to get the best view. She didn't know much about basketball, but she wanted to make sure she had the best view for if anyone fell on their face or something.

The event was starting and you were nowhere to be seen. Lena wasn't surprised at all that you're late to such an important event, especially since you were the best player in the school.

The match was going pretty evenly for the first quarter, but then the teachers were starting to pull ahead. You finally decided to show up a few minutes before half time.

The teachers were up by 15 at this point and it was not looking good for the students. You did not look the least bit bothered or worried about the score. You did have 24 minutes to catch up after halftime and you were confident you could do it.

Half-time hit and everyone went back to their coach. "Nice of you to show up," says one of the guys on the team. Not like you would have played the entire way through anyway. 

"I had something to take care of, i didn't realize how shit you all are. Like how are you down by 15 right now?" You scoff. "I always have to do everything around here," you mumble.

You pulled off your shirt and put on your jersey over your sports bra. Lena gawked at you in shock, mostly because you just took your shirt off in front of a few hundred people who attended the game, but also a little bit because she was impressed by your body.

You lifted your head and saw Lena staring at you. You smiled at her and looked away soon after as you smirked to yourself.

Half-time was over and you and four of your teammates went on the court as well as five of the teachers.

You whisper something in one of your teammates' ear, telling her a plan of action. It was the only other girl on the court with you. Lena recognized her as Taylor, one of your best friends.

Lena got a little jealous as she saw how close you got, but then she internally scolded herself because she shouldn't feel like that about someone who's been basically bullying her for years.

As the game went on, the students started to come back a little bit. You played great defence and teamed up with Taylor and assisted her with quite a few points.

You would get the ball and pass it to her, and she would score most of the time. You took very few shots yourself as you wanted to give other people some fun too.

As you went into the last quarter, you stayed on the court, whereas the other 4 teammates got subbed for others. The teachers all rotated as well.

Teachers were now ahead by 2 points. The game continued and it was pretty close. In the last quarter, you started to shoot some baskets yourself. You would quickly dribble forward and score. You even managed to sike out one of the teachers pretending to go one way and then switching last second, causing the teacher to fall on their ass.

All the spectating students let out an 'ooooh' sound before starting to cheer as the teacher fell on their ass.

You ignored all the cheers and continued to focus on the game as you dunked on another teacher trying to guard you. Causing people to erupt in cheers again.

One of the students got subbed out and Taylor came back on the court. There was only a minute left on the clock. And the score was even.

The ball got stolen a few times between the teams before the teachers scored, leaving them up by two points. It was now the students' ball and they were on the other side of the court with 20 seconds left. Everyone thought it was game over.

Lena watched you as she saw you nod ever so slightly at Taylor, her nodding back. Lena smiled as she thought you must have a plan.

Taylor goes to throw the ball out, and the timer starts, 20 seconds on the clock. She passes the ball straight to you, but you don't seem to rush to the other side.

Instead you walk as you dribble the ball as the clock counts down. People are screaming at you to rush forward, which you ignore as you give one more nod to Taylor, who runs towards your basket.

All the teachers crowd her as they think you will try to pass her the ball. You are a bit further than half court from the basket. There's five seconds on the clock as you throw the ball.

Taylor starts moving back toward you as the ball flies through the air. You turn away as soon as you throw the ball, not wanting to watch it.

The ball goes in cleanly in the last second as everyone erupts in cheers and screams of shock. The rest of the team ran on the court to join the celebration as the teachers all sat in defeat.

You don't join the team celebration as you stand there relieved that you made the shot. Taylor runs towards you and jumps into your arms, hugging you tightly. You catch her easily and hug her back as you spin the smaller girl.

"You did it!" She squeels. "No, we did it." You reply out of breath as you put the girl down. "We did it," Taylor repeats. The whole team is jumping around and celebrating as they rush towards the girls to drag them into the celebration.

You and Taylor were the only girls on the team so that's why you teamed up and celebrated together first before joining the rest of the group.

Lena couldn't help but watch the two girls smiling and hugging as jealousy takes over. She decided that you must be dating since you celebrated like that and how close you were earlier.

In reality they were just really good friends, but of course Lena thought the worst. You looked in Lena's direction when you stopped hugging Taylor, Lena seemed to be zoned out, but her face told you everything you needed to know.

You knew that maybe it was someone else she was acting like that because of, but there were too many things for it to be someone else.

Lex has told you several times that Lena has a crush on you. You also saw Lena stare at you after you changed your shirt. And now her looking all jealous after you celebrated with Taylor. It all added up in your mind.

But you still thought it was weird, because why would Lena like you of all people, especially given your history.

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