Part 8

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You and Lex make the campfire as it starts to get dark and the weather cools.

"Smore time," Lex says as he takes out all the stuff you need. You go to ask everyone else if they want some too as Lex sets up the stuff.

Lilian and Lionel ended up joining you. Lena also came out from her tent since she heard that everyone else was there. You, of course asked her too, but she didn't want to get stuck with just you and Lex.

You all sat around the campfire eating s'mores and enjoying each other's company while sharing stories.

"What's the obsession with the letter L anyway?" You ask out of nowhere, speaking your random thoughts. You didn't mean it in a rude way or anything. You were just curious. 

They look at you a bit confused about what you meant. You smile, realizing they don't know what you're thinking about since they obviously can't read your mind.

You gesture at the four people sitting in the circle as it clicks for them. "Ohhhh." Lilian laughs slightly along with the rest of them for not getting it at first.

"Every single one of you have LL initials," you laugh. Lilian and Lionel just kinda look at each other and shrug, "i don't know, I guess it just happened like that," Lionel speaks up.

"Yeah, there's not really a reason," Lilian adds. You just hum in response. The conversation moves on, but you don't.

You began thinking and overthinking. You were an outsider in this situation. Why were you even here? It's supposed to be their family time.

"Hey, you okay?" Lex asks as he sees you zoned out, not participating in conversation. "Oh yeah, I'm fine," you say with a smile.

You start engaging in conversation a bit more and forget about your imposter feelings for now.

Eventually everyone went back to their tents and it was just you and Lex left sitting outside. You added more wood to the fire to stop it from burning out.

"I saw you have your guitar in your car," Lex states, "yeah why?" You ask sceptical.

"Play something for me?" You give him a look, "pleaseee, you haven't played it in ages." It was true you haven't been able to bring yourself to do it since your parents died a few months ago.

Music was an escape for you, an escape from your shitty parents and all the things they put you through, but ever since they died, it just felt weird for you.

You didn't have the motivation to play it as you associated it with your parents and now their death.

You and Lex stare at each other for a while before you give in "ugh fine. You're coming with me to get it, though. You're the one that wants it so you'll have to suffer and walk with me." You say.

"I would have come anyway," Lex smiles. "Wouldn't want you to get lost since it's your first time here," lex adds.

You make the 30-minute total walk to your car and back to the campsite, getting your guitar. You both sit on the opposite sides of the campfire as you think what you should play.

You start strumming the guitar playing a melody. You started playing one of your favourite songs, strumming the opening of the song before you start singing the song also.

This was one of your favourite songs so you knew it off by heart. You were in the middle of nowhere, yet you still felt self-conscious singing since the rest of Lex's family was here too.

You've never sang for anyone before other than Lex. You were a great singer, but you had convinced yourself otherwise.

Lena was listening to you from her tent. She was mesmerized. She never knew that you were a good singer or that you even played guitar. On top of that, it was one of her favourite songs that you were singing.

You sang the song beautifully, letting all your emotions out through the words. "Damnn, I really felt that," Lex expresses.

You flash him a soft smile and then look down. "You're so good, I don't know why you stopped," Lex compliments. "You know why, Lex." You respond simply.

"True, but you should start playing again. You should sign up for the school talent show at the end of the month." He tells you.

"Dude, you're insane if you think I'm playing in front of hundreds of people. This was already bad enough," you giggle, knowing that the rest of the Luthors probably heard you as well.

"We should go to sleep," you say, wanting to end the conversation. Lex just nods in response as you go to your tents after putting out the fire.


You find yourself not being able to sleep very well, you didn't know what time it was as you had no electronics but you knew it was still early in the morning as the sun had not come out yet.

Since you couldn't sleep, you decided to go for a run. You needed to be alone right now and what better place to be than in the wilderness.

You left your tent quietly, careful not to wake anyone up. You set off walking at first before you started running.

You ran for what seemed like forever. The sky started to brighten as the sun was about to come up.

You found yourself at the edge of a small cliff. Probably around 15 feet tall. You noticed the body of water at the bottom of the cliff.

You sat on the edge of the cliff as you watched the sun come up. The sunrise's here we're extraordinary.

You watched the sun rise as you stared out over the water. You made your way down the small cliff and went into the water, stripping most of your clothes. You were sweaty from running and wanted to wash off.

After you got out of the water, you let your body air dry before putting your shorts and shoes back on. Carrying your shirt in your hand.

You started making your way back to the campsite, you had ran about 5km out so now you have to go back the distance, this time you were not going to run, you will take in and enjoy the nature around you as you go back.


The Luthor family were all awake now and they got ready for breakfast. Lex goes to check on you to see if you're coming out for breakfast, but he just finds an empty tent.

"Have any of you seen Y/n?" Lex asks his family, confused on your whereabouts. "No, is she not in her tent?" Lillian asks worriedly.

"No," Lex responds simply. "Maybe she just needed to use the bathroom," Lionel says. "Maybe, but wouldn't she be back by now, we've been out here for a bit and none of us saw her leave." Lex argues.

"I'm sure it's fine," Lena says, brushing off his worries. To be honest, she didn't really care that you were gone.

"Let's just wait a bit, I'm sure she'll be back soon," Lilian says.

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