Stormy Weather

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{tw: none!}

The third day was stormy. The rain was heavy, and the mood was low. The three teens were worn out and tired beyond belief, but they still needed to find Tommy, and maybe even Abby.

Ellie woke up before Renae, sliding her arm out from where it laid the whole night. Something had been itching Ellie though for a minute. So she knew who would know more.

She found him standing on the balcony, looking over the entrance to the theater. He looked deep in thought, and Ellie slid up beside him. He flinched a bit, but when he realized it was just Ellie he relaxed again.

"Good morning." Ellie said.

"Morning. Renae still asleep?" He asked quieter.

Ellie nodded, and picked at her callused hands. Then she asked the question she's been wanting to ask for a while. "Renae has been off since we were at the radio station, did she tell you why? I know it's not because of her injury." She said flatly. Jesse's eyes widened a little, before he shook his head.

"I promised her I wouldn't tell you." He said as he pursed his lips.

"So there is a reason." She scrunched her eyebrows in thought. Was it something she did?

"All I'm gonna say is that it's nothing you did, because I know that's what you're thinking it is. It's just a personal conflict." He sighs afterwards, flexing his arms. "So we're gonna find Tommy today right?" He asks.

Ellie nods. "If we find Abby along the way that would be perfect." She says.

Jesse looks ahead. "Will you be okay with it if we don't?" He asks.

She doesn't answer for a minute. Would she? Would she be able to go back to a normal life while Abby still lived? "I don't know. But with Renae's injuries and Dina at home with a baby on the way, we should go back." Ellie said, almost forced. Was it wrong of her to not want to leave the girl who landed the final blow alive?

Jesse nodded, and stepped back. "Let's get going then, Tommy's not gonna get found on his own. Let's post up at the aquarium and wait for him, since he's also looking for Abby." He said, pulling the map out to look. Ellie nodded, and went to go wake up the sleeping girl.

Renae was already awake and ready when Ellie walked in. She looked rough, to say the least. The lack of sleep, and the injuries that never really stopped hurting seemed to be getting to her. Ellie thought she still looked beautiful though.

"Hi." Renae said, with a small smile. Ellie walked over to where she was standing, and helped put her bag over her arms.

"Hi." Ellie replied, kissing the girls cheek. "Are you ready to go?" She asked. Renae tightened the lace on one of her boots, and nodded.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"The aquarium. Jesse thinks that if we can beat Tommy there, we can meet him and leave together." Ellie says as she recounts the plan.

"That's a good idea, way smarter than looking all over Seattle." Renae says as they begin to walk out of the dressing room.

"Will you be okay? I notice you're limping more than yesterday." Ellie asked as she watched how Renae walked.

"I'll be fine, I'm a strong girl." Renae says as she flexes her arms.

"I know you are." Ellie says with a smile. The two meet Jesse by the entrance.

"Good morning Renae." He says. Renae waves her good hand.

"Mornin Jesse!" She says.

And with a few more words exchanged the trio was off to find the brother of the man they all cherished.

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