1-Night of thunders.

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I came to Seoul two years ago for studies. I'm living here quite peacefully. I don't like making friends nor I talk to anyone so I just used to live alone in my hostel room. No other girl wants to live with me neither do I want them to live with me and about guys so they don't even like to see me.

I'm not as fashionable as other girls, I'm just here to complete my studies and once I complete them I'll take the responsibility of my family.

That's it, that's the goal of my life.

A week ago,it was raining heavily with thunderstorm.I was studying in my room at midnight, when someone knocked on my door. At first I hesitated to open the door but then I opened and found one of my professor standing in front of me with a guy with him, who was fully soaked and shivering due to the cold weather.

He said: "Y/n he's your new roommate. I hope you'll not mind it." I could never deny him because he did a lot for me. He helped me to move to Seoul,took my expenses and many more so I agreed.

That guy entered my room, standing on the mat,water was dripping through his shirt which made the floor and mat wet too.

I went back to my seat to study but he was just standing there waiting for me to tell him something. I looked at him and said

"Don't make everything wet, Go get changed. This way." He nodded and went to the restroom. I started studying again


He came back just wearing a towel and started looking at you. You felt a gaze at yourself and turned out. Your jaw dropped, his abs were flashings In Front of you, wet hairs, water dripping from them.

You shook your head to get out of his thoughts and said: "Do you want me to kick you out?" He said but just kept staring at you."What do you want now?"and finally he said:

"I don't have my clothes, I came in an emergency and those clothes are wet." You took a sigh and went to your wardrobe.

You search through your clothes and find something suitable for him. It was actually a shirt and pyjama that he could maybe wear.

You gave him those two things, He looked at you and said: "Thank you." In tiny voice.

I went back to my study when he came back wearing that shirt and pyjama. I passed a glance at him and started studying again but something caught my attention.

I again looked at him and that shirt was actually tight that made his boobies look so big. I was staring at him unintentionally while he was checking himself in front of the mirror.

He saw me through the mirror staring at him when he said: "Isn't it wrong to stare at someone?" I immediately averted my gaze and cleared my throat.

The room was so messy because no one ever lived with you so you never cared. Your clothes were spread everywhere but before opening the door you hid them. There were two beds in the room.

You never used the second one so it was dirty. He examined the room and went to your bed to sleep.

You were packing your books in panic because of that boobies thing. He picks up the bed sheet to make it clean but finds your bra hidden underneath it.

He coughs to let you know, you immediately turn around and snatches the bed sheet from his hand and then speaks."This is not your bed.

You point toward the other one and continue:that one is yours." He looked at the bed and said:"That one?" with a crunchy nose.

You nodded and immediately hid your bra from there while he was staring at the bed. "AAHH how embarrassing" you said in your heart while cursing at him.

He went to that bed and started cleaning it. The dust started spreading in the room.

You sneezed and said"Don't do this. I'm quite sensitive to dust."

He listened to your words and stopped shaking the bed sheet and said:"Then where will I sleep?"

Both of your gaze shifted to that single bed and for a second you both started thinking about sleeping together in disgust and after a minute you both shouted in cringe

"NOOOO."Then you said: "Okay, I'll wait outside.Clean it real quick." He nodded and you went outside.

Cold breeze was blowing. Rainy weather is always my favourite.

I kept looking at the beautiful weather while trying to keep myself warm by rubbing my arms.

Soon he called me inside. I headed inside and he cleaned his bed really well. I went to my bed.

Next morning*

I woke up and stretched my body.I looked at him. He was sleeping peacefully with his blanket.

I opened the window and the sun beams entered the room.

The sun beams fell on his bare face. I heard a groan from his mouth and he covered himself in the blanket.

Maybe he wants to sleep more and the sunbeams are disturbing him huh...!!

I got ready and went to attend the classes. I kept looking for him the whole day but didn't see him anywhere in the university.

I attended every class and went back to the hostel.

I tried to open the door but it was locked. I knocked and after knocking for about 10 minutes he came and opened the door.

"What took you so long?"

"Uhhh...I was changing."

I looked at his clothes and they were the same as yesterday night.

"Ohh so you changed and wore the same dress again.Hmm...Nice."

I entered the room and saw his clothes spread all over his bed.

"So you were doing this the whole day instead of studying." I glared at him and went to the restroom.



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