6- Mark me as A Vampire.

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I opened my eyes and was in my room, lying on my bed while Jungkook was sitting beside me.

Putting cold pieces of clothes dipped in water on my forehead. I was feeling so weak and cold. "You wake up." Said Jungkook smiling.

I was still afraid of him. My heart started beating fastly. He kept his hand on my cheek and I jerked his hand.

"Stay away from me you Monster." I shouted. His smiling expressions dropped into an intense glare. I immediately got up and sat in support of the wall behind me while burying my face into my folded knees.

"Don't be afraid of me." He said calmly trying to comfort me."You killed that girl. Didn't you?" I said with a drop of tear falling from the corner of my eye. He stood up and said:" No, I didn't kill her." But his expression was saying something else."YOU DID." I insisted.

He looked straight into my eyes, making my heart stop. "First! I'm not a monster second, I didn't kill that girl,third stop being afraid of me."

He said very calmly. "Then who killed her?" I asked in a sobbing voice. "How do I know?" He said, shrugging his hands.

"Are you going to kill me too?" I asked him. He sat on the bed I was sitting with a little distance from. "No,My love Why would I kill you? You are my soulmate." I looked into his eyes."Soulmate?" He nodded and held my hand.

A current once again ran through my whole body.

"Remember those lights? His eyes turned into, the pupil of my eye dilated at his eyes color. Are they changing?" He refered to his eyes. I nodded.

He continued and said: "It only happens when you meet your soulmate. I'm a vampire and you are my soulmate." Maintaining eye contact I said:"But I'm not a vampire." He nodded with his eyes shut. "But your ancestors link with Vampirism somehow."

He said once again maintaining eye contact.

What the heck? My ancestors' vampires? How is that even possible? He further added:

"Remember that stare from the window? I can compel anyone by staring into their eyes but when I did with you. It didn't work. It only doesn't work on our soulmate."

I blinked various times not believing my ears "But why are you trusting me? What if I tell everyone about your Reality? Why would I even believe you? What if you are lying? What if you want to kill me? What if you want to suck my blood too? What if"

My lips stopped moving as he attached his index finger to my lips."Too many questions my lady."

I removed his finger and cleaned my lips with the back of my hand. He chuckled and said:"I'm trusting you because Vampire are supposed to trust their soulmate second if you tell everyone about my identity I'll simply compel everyone third You have to believe me because you already saw everything fourth I'm not lying you already saw my face earlier fifth if I kill my soulmate I'll be dead too sixth you already got the answer and seventh ----."

"Okay okay I got it." I interrupted his long ass speech.

He smiled and said:"Now you believe me?" "I need some time to think." He nodded and said: "You fainted in the temple, you need to rest plus you have a fever too."

I already know Mr.Vampire. Who will not faint after seeing a vampire?A Real Life Vampire. I nodded and laid down.

He kept sitting there with his eyes fixed on me." Why are you staring at me?" | asked annoyingly. So many things happening in just a few days.

New roommate turns out to be a vampire, I turned out to be his soulmate and now a vampire is staring at me. So many things to digest.

"Will you be my soulmate?" Said Jungkook with doe eyes.

Why ask man?When you already said I'm your soulmate I just need to accept the truth. Nevertheless I looked into his eyes and said dryly

"I already told you I need time." He nodded and went to his bed. I closed my eyes and slept.

Six days have already passed. Jungkook is taking care of me more than a mother take care of her child.

Giving me healthy food, making sure I sleep peacefully, not to stress me more and to be honest no one ever cared about me before but feeling special feels so good.

No one ever cared about me. I'm the first child in my poor family. My parents were always busy in protecting and loving their other childs,no one ever paid attention to me.

I worked overtime, day and night to reach on to this position, my that professor "David Wittson" helped me a lot in everything and now when someone is paying attention to me is really feeling so good.

Jungkook only comes to University on cloudy days although it's monsoon season so the sky is almost covered with clouds all the time.I was in my library studying peacefully.

It was almost 7pm When I saw Jungkook coming towards me with two cups of coffee in his hands. He came to me and sat in front of me passing me the coffee cup.

Vampires are more cooperative than these so-called Humans. He opened his books and started reading.

I hit him on his leg from under the table, gaining his attention towards me. He raised his eyebrows asking what? I took a piece of paper and wrote something on it.

And passed the paper to him. He opened the paper and a loud gasp left his mouth gaining everyone's attention in the library. He immediately got up,closed the books and held my hand from my wrist dragging me along with him.

Everyone was looking at us. We both reached our room.

The Vampire's soulmate (1) JJK ✅Where stories live. Discover now