5-Soulmate of a vampire.

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"What is not possible? Tell me too?" I asked him confusingly.

His blue eyes met mine and then he said:"Do you have any mark/tattoo like this above your heart too?"

He said very concernfully."No." I replied instantly as I don't have any mark or tattoo on my body.

He kept thinking for a while and then said:"Maybe it'll appear now." I looked at him frowned.

What does he mean?

He pulled his hand out with mine and put it on my left breast. His big hand on my little breast, butterflies punching in my stomach. I jerked his hand.

"What are you doing? Are you insane?" He looked at me maintaining the eye contact. "I'm just checking something."

His putting his hand on my breast and saying he's just checking. What a crazy man."No you can not touch me." I frowned.

I denied his touch. He got up and sat on his bed, his massive chest still naked in front of me but that mark?

It was gone. As soon as he leaves my hand the mark disappeared. I was so much shocked with everything.

While he was thinking something continuously.

"Can I touch you please?" He requested once again."NO, ARE YOU CRAZY?" | denied once again. Is he mental?

He's asking a girl to put his hand on her breast so that he can hold it.DANG IT. "Sleep and stop thinking." I said and covered my blanket over till my head.

I was thinking the moment when he held my hand and I felt a current ran through my body.

I closed my eyes to sleep once again but felt like someone is calling my name.

I removed my blanket and Jungkook was sitting near my bed on his knees still half naked.

I avoided eye contact and said frustratedly"What now?"

"Please look at me." Why is he so desperate to touch me? I turned and looked into his eyes.

I noticed one thing. His eyes weren't blue but black. How is his eye color changing?

"Your eyes?" I pointed towards his eyes."what my eyes?" He said while touching his eyes.

"They were blue a few minutes ago but now they are black." I stated. His jaw dropped.

Why is he being so surprised with everything?WHO IS HE?

"No, This can't be true." He repeatedly shook his head."You and me?"

My eyes widened at his words."what you and me?" I asked him but as usual no answer.

He got up, wore his shirt and went out. It was almost 3am.

I immediately got up and wear my shoes and ran after him.

But he was no where. Not even in miles. I came back inside and decided to sleep back.

Why am I endangering my life for a guy whom I just met a few days ago.

I closed my eyes to sleep but DANG. Curiosity didn't let me sleep. Aishh

I stood up again,put on my shoes, held a torch and went out. No one was out.

I straight went to the forest as yesterday night he was there so maybe today too.

I went inside the forest,torch burning in my hand. I started searching for him.

I was a little afraid because of what happened yesterday night.

The Vampire's soulmate (1) JJK ✅Where stories live. Discover now