7-Romantic Vampire.

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"Mature content warning ⚠️"

We both reached our room. He shut the door behind me and he attached me to the wall, his hands on my waist."Are you sure?" I nodded. I agreed to be his girlfriend or soulmate whatever that was. The way he's taking care of everything made me fall in love with him.

I could see happiness overloading in his eyes. He held my waist tightly while tilting my hand and landed his smooth lips on mine. Our lips move oppositely to each other. My face heats up. I pulled him closer to me by wrapping my hands around his neck. I never want this moment to end.

Both of our chest attached to each other as I stood on tip toe to kiss him more. Bright blue came out of both of our chest. Jungkook broke the kiss and looked at both of our Brighting chest and smiled:"Soulmate things." He started and crashed his lips again into mine.

I smiled in between the kisses. He picked me up and we both laid on the bed without breaking the kiss. His hand ran through my hair while mine tracing over his back. Blue light was still coming out of our chests. We both broke the kiss for oxygen while I looked into Jungkook's eyes which were now blue.

He chuckled and said while breathing heavily: "Your's are blue too." We both laughed. I never thought that I'll get a Vampire boyfriend in my life but look. I turned my face to look at Jungkook who was lying beside me.

He was smirking. "Why are you smirking?" I asked curiously. He looked into my eyes and said:"I finally got what I was waiting for." He means he was waiting for me? "We only got one soulmate. It's our choice if we want to make them into vampires or just spend human life with them." Wait wait, that means that I can be a vampire too?

I immediately got up in excitement and said cheerfully

"Make me too." His eyes widened,a smirk formed on his face."Do you know what you are asking for?" He asked with a smirk "Yes yes I know." I replied cheerfully."Than it's on you." With his these words he smashed his lips over mine because of his immediate action I lost my balance and fell on my back on the bed.

He didn't broke the kiss but leaned over me, holding my waist tightly. I held him from his neck and pulled him more closer, both of our lips moving against each other in sync. He broke the kiss and teared his shirt from middle. WOW NOW THAT'S STRENGTH THAT I WANT TOO. he looked into my eyes and tore my shirt too.

His massive chest Infront of me with his titties, I didn't knew that vampires can be this hot. He brushed his head into my neck, leaving rough kisses on it. The pleasure was out of heaven I couldn't help but let out a moan escape my mouth.

His tongue tracing against my skin, giving me goosebumps. He licked from the neck till my b**bs with his tongue. My hands in his hairs while him sucking the upper skin of my b**bs. He got up and looked into my eyes. "Are you going to tore my bra too?" I asked him in curiosity. He chuckled and said while caressing my breast "They are for kissing,sucking, licking, biting, rubbing,toring them can cause harm."

I got all shy at his words. He slowly started tracing his fingerprints over the naked part of my b**bs and then he opened my bra,my hardened b**bs Infront of him. He rubbed my n*pples and pressed the left one while playing with the n*pple of right one with his tongue. His tongue was enough to do my orgasm.

The tip of his tongue perfect moving on the point of my n*pple while the other hand continuously squishing and fingers playing with the n*pple of it. I was trying to hold my moans but couldn't control myself when he bit on the n*pple. A hard moan escaped my mouth. He slapped my left b**b with his hand to make me stop moaning.

He smashed his lips over my already dripping p*ssy. His tongue exploring inside of my p*ssy giving me heavenly pleasure... I placed my both hands on my mouth to cover up my moans. His teeth bit my cl*t, making my body clench. His tongue continuously teasing my sensitive parts.

When his tongue licked the lower side of my cl't I couldn't control myself and finally let a moan out. He looked at me and placed his lips again on my p*ssy lips. He understood that it was my weak point, he started licking, biting my that point.

I was trying my best to control but his every touch was feeling like heaven. I Opened my legs more wider, giving him more space inside. He grabbed the chance and inserted the tip of his tongue inside me. A moan left my mouth uncontrollably.

His tongue was moving at insane speed inside my p*ssy, making me closer to my orgasm with his every lick. "I'm about to." Just my these words entered his ears and his tongue stopped right on the moment, making me frustrated."Why did you stopped?" His blue eyes met mine and he said"I told you not to moan, now regret."

With his these words. He got up from the bed to wore his clothes again. I was so needy at that moment for his touch that without thinking I stood up and held him from his wrist, placing on the bed. He looked into my eyes. I removed his boxers without waiting for a second.

His whole length stood right Infront of me.Pre cv*m already dripping from the tip of it. I hold it in my both hand and took his whole length inside my mouth. His length was long enough that I wasn't able to take it whole inside but I tried my best.

He held me from my hairs and pushed me and with his one thrust his whole length was inside me touching my throat. He thursted inside my mouth several times. Suddenly I felt a warm liquid drowning through my throat. It was his cv'm that I swallowed.

He moaned while throwing his head back. He said me don't moan and now he's moaning wow... I looked into his eyes waiting for him to do his next step cause I'm still not cv med. He held my face from my chin,came closer to my face and attached his lips to mine.

He stood up while making me stood too. He threw me on the bed and hovered over me once again, his c*ck touching my p*ssy. Without giving any warning he inserted his whole length inside me. I groaned in pain as his length teared my inside walls.

He started riding me by thursting at an insane speed, continuously hitting my spot roughly. DAMN VAMPIRE'S HAVE SO MUCH POWER....Wait I asked him to make me vampire not pregnant. His length continuously hitting my spots again and again with few more thrust I cv*med.

But he didn't, he took his d*ck outside and said "on your knees now." The dominancy in his voice. I immediately sat on my knees. He placed his d*ck between my b**bs and started thursting it. Wow...this feels so smooth with every thurst I was getting chills. Soon the cv*m realesed from his c*ck all over my b"*bs.

He sighed deeply while I cleaned his c*ck and my b**bs. He held me from my waist and made me stand up. "Come lay down." I lay down beside him. We both layed down while he hugged me tightly, I snuggled more into his chest.

"Let's sleep, we have to go tomorrow's night somewhere." Said Jungkook while holding me from my waist more tightly."Where?" I asked him looking into his blue eyes. His eyes color changes every time I touch his chest. "You'll find out." He replied and closed his eyes.

I sighed and closed mine too.


You both were sleeping naked while hugging each other tightly under the blanket when someone started knocking on your door. You both were too deep in sleep that you didn't heard the noise of knocking. "Open the door." Someone shouted from outside.

But you both still didn't woke up. It was all because of the jungkook's aura that was surrounding you and Jungkook due to which you both wasn't able to hear any sound. The person outside thought that something happened to you.

He started breaking the door. After hitting several times on the door he finally made it and the door opened. He came inside and first saw your clothes spread on the floor, your underwear that jungkook threw earlier then he saw both of you sleeping on the bed,naked while hugging each other.

The Vampire's soulmate (1) JJK ✅Where stories live. Discover now