3-Run for life.

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Y/n POV:

The footsteps got closer and closer and closer. My heart was on the marathon winning first position.

I closed my eyes in fear. I was shaking due to the fear. Soon I felt a hand on my shoulder, I clenched but soon Opened my eyes as I heard Jungkook's voice.

"What are you doing here?Who is she?" I looked at him with a content yet crying face. He bent down to my level and looked at her.

The blood was all over her and mine. He held my hand and dragged me along with him. "But what about her?"

I asked him "Leave her. I'll call the cops." He said without meeting my eyes. His hands were warm and grip was tight.

My feet were bleeding too. We were almost running but I couldn't run much as my feet were hurting as hell. I stopped in the middle, breaking his grip from my hand.

"I can not run." I said breathing heavily. He looked around and said:"Close your eyes." I closed my eyes as he said. Soon I felt two arms around me.

He picked me in bridal style. I held him from neck and shut my eyes tightly. Suddenly I felt a cool breeze and the next second we were at the entrance of hostel.

"Open your eyes." Said Jungkook.

I opened my eyes. "Where were you?" I asked him. "I was out for a walk." He said and turned around.

"Where are you going now?" "To call the cops." He said without even bothering to turn and walked away.

I went to room and bandage my bleeding feet and slept.

Next morning I woke up and found Jungkook sleeping on his bed.

Windows closed. I woke up and got ready for university with out wasting any time.

I went to the university and everything was normal as daily.

I wondered why no one is talking about that girl? She seemed to be our university student but no one is talking about her.

I attended my classes. It was cloudy day

and weather was good. I saw Jungkook sitting in the cafeteria alone.

I held my dish and went to him. He looked at me,gulped clearly and continued eating.

"What happened to that girl?" His eyes met mine.

"Cops took her." He said coldly.

I nodded and started eating mine but one question kept disturbing my thoughts that why is no one talking about that incident?

There's a wild animal in forest behind hostel which killed a girl yesterday and no one is talking neither afraid.

We finished our lunch and I went back to my class. When a girl came to me and showed me a picture and said

"Have you seen her somewhere?" I looked at the picture and my eyes widened. She was the one that dies yesterday night in my arms.

I was about to tell her about what happened her yesterday night when I saw Jungkook from the side window staring intensively at me.

I met his eyes for a second and said: "No I didn't saw her." After saying I looked back at the back at the window and no one was there.

I lied to her because I don't want her to be afraid. All clases finished and I went to the restroom of my room in hostel where I again saw a shirt covered in blood with some tissues covered in blood too.

I think Jungkook have some health problem that's why maybe his nose keeps bleeding.

My feet was hurting so I sat on the chair and opened my bandage. My feet was bleeding, the cut opened again.

I opened the first aid box to bandage it again when Jungkook entered the room.

As soon as he saw me and my feet covered in blood.

I saw the veins under his eyes becoming red and prominent.

He immediately turned around to hide his face. I immediately got up and went to him.

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