2-Death between Forest.

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You went to take shower while Jungkook cleaned everything.


Y/N's POV:

I came back and saw everything was neat and clean. He was sitting on the study table, studying.

Without causing any disturbance I layed down on my bed. My hairs were wet so I kept them open and started using my phone.

The window was open and a cold wave of wind passed through our room.

I was using my phone while lying down. When the cold wind blew I saw him through my phone, gulping and inhaling the air. Maybe He likes cold weather.

I started using my phone again while the wind was continuously blowing. I could feel him getting uncomfortable after every blew of wind.

After some time he closed his books, stood up and went out. What's the problem with him?

He's been acting so strange since I met him. I kept using my phone for some time. I usually study at night.

It's my habit. I put my phone aside and went out to grab something to eat for myself. Before going out I tied my hair in a ponytail.

I went to the cafeteria. I'm a foodie so usually I get hungry at night.

That's why I keep snacks with me all the time but that time I was hungry too so I sat there and ordered something for myself.

I was waiting for my order when I saw my roommate sitting two seats behind me. He was drinking something.

I turned around and looked at him. He was drinking coffee. The wind blew again and I clearly saw his breath stopping for a second.

He gulped, inhaled very deeply, his palm formed into fist. I could see his grip tightening on the poor coffee cup.

His hands lost the grip on the coffee cup and it spilled on the floor. He stood up and ran outside.

What is his problem? He's acting so weird. Anyways let's eat and go back.

I finished my dinner and went back to my room after half an hour.

As I went inside. He was there in the room, studying. He looked at me and then looked back down. I went to the restroom to wash my hands.

I washed my hands and cleaned them with tissue. I opened the dustbin to throw the tissue but I saw something in it. I opened it and saw blood on the tissue papers.

I didn't throw them then who?Wait Did he throw them? Did something happen to him?

I went out, I was looking at him with suspicion because it's just been 24 hours and he is acting so strange.

Ohh God. I opened my books and started studying. We both were busy studying,the window was closed, and the room was filled with quietness.

When a deep husky voice entered my ears "Can you please help me with this question?" I looked at him. He was asking for help so I nodded and started explaining to him the question.

He's quite a genius. He got my point and started solving it.

"By the way,What is your name?" I asked him. He was so focused on the books that he didn't even look at me. AAHH embarrassment is your fate y/n.

I sighed and started studying mine.

We both were studying when he said out of the blue "I'm Jeon Jungkook." I looked around and he was still looking in his book but was talking to me.

"Ohh I'm y/n." He didn't said anything and kept studying.

A moment later, he did the same again and speaked out of nowhere. "I'm new here. I just shifted."

Ohh God he took the hell out of me.

"Where did you come from?"

"From a place where no one wants to live." Umm... I don't know what to say to

him now so I just hummed and started studying again.

"Where are you from?" He asked me. "I'm from...."

Before I could complete my sentence he interrupted me and said

"Nevermind." Is he mental? Huh...

Since we talked a bit so I asked him:

"Did something happen to you?" "No,why?" He replied without meeting my eyes.

"I saw tissues with blood in the dustbin.Are you sure you are fine?" "Ooh..." A disturbance was created on his face but he said

"My nose was bleeding." "Ohh."

We both studied for two more hours and did a chit chit chat in between.

He isn't that bad. Maybe he has problems like me too. We shared snacks too.

After studying we went to sleep. Before sleeping I opened the window.

I was feeling thirsty in the middle of the sleep so I woke up to drink some water but when I looked at his bed.

He wasn't there. The door was open. I got a bit worried but a bit more curious too.

I wore my slippers, held a torch and went out to search for him.

I went out of the hostel to search because he wasn't anywhere in the hostel.

It was very late at night and dark too. There was a thick forest behind our hostel so I went there to find him.

I started searching in the bushes. Instead of finding Jungkook.

I heard loud screams of a girl. I ran toward the direction of the sound, while running I bumped my feet into a big stone. My feet got hurt.

It started bleeding but I again stood up and ran toward her direction. As I reached there saw something running from there with the speed of light. The girl fell down.

I ran toward her and held her in my arms. She was trying to breathe. She was bleeding intensively.

She held me from my collar, held my cheek with her bloody hand and stutteringly said:"S-SAVE E-EVERYONE." And with the last word, Her grip weakened on my collar,her hand fell down from my cheek.

Her head fell. I immediately checked her pulse and sh-she was dead. Everything was so immediate for me.

I didn't know what's happening.A girl just died in my hands while saying

"Save everyone." I never even imagined that someone would die like this in my hands.

Tears started coming through my eyes. I started crying.

I was on the ground in the middle of the forest in the dark night while a dead body was in my hands bleeding severely. I could do nothing but just scream and cry.

My brain was like shut off. When I heard footsteps of someone.

I got scared. My heart started beating like a beast. I started shaking. The sound of footsteps keeps clearing bit by bit.

Is it that thing that did this to her?



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