4-Lighting of our heart.

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I turned him towards me to confirm but his face was alright. Maybe delusion took over me from yesterday night.

"I'm sensitive to blood." He stated."Ohh that's why your shirt covered in the blood is in the dustbin."

He looked at me in disbelief. "Am I wrong?" Said I folding my arms around my chest. He once again met my eyes like he did from the window.

The pupil of his eye spread. I was looking at his pupil expansion surprisingly.

"Why are you staring at me?" Said I. His expression changed to confusion.

"Do you have any health problem? It's been two days since I'm seeing tissue and shirt covered in blood in the dustbin.

If you have any problem let's visit doctor." I stated. His expression were continuously changing.

He turned around and ran from there.

What is his problem? He's so strange. I went back to my chair and completely bandage my feet.

The thought of that girl and what happened to her were still circling my mind. I cannot leave everything uninvestigated.

I decided that tomorrow on Sunday. I'll go to Police and file a report about that wild animal or whatever it was.

I went to sleep leaving the door open for jungkook to come in.

I was sleeping peacefully when I felt like someone is staring at me.

I opened my eyes and jungkook's was just two inches away, I screamed,he immediately covered my mouth with his hand. He was still staring into my eyes.

His pupil once again expanded and he whispered:"You know nothing about blood."

I removed his hand from my mouth and said: "What I don't know?" A gasp left his mouth. He covered his mouth with his hand to avoid waking neighbors.

His eyes widened."What?" I asked in curiosity. He was too much stunned to speak anything.

He sat on his bed being worried.

I got up too and said: "What's so shocking?" He replied nothing to my question but instead a whole different question

"Do you have any mark?"

"Mark?" I asked in curiosity.

He removed his shirt. "Wh-what are you doing?" I said while closing my eyes. "Don't worry. I'm doing nothing."

I opened my eyes slowly.

He sat in front of me on his knees and said: "Slowly trace your hand against my chest."

My heart was already beating so fast after looking at his massive chest.

I hesitated in touching his chest. He held my hand from my wrist and put it on his chest.

As soon as my skin touched his chest's skin. I felt a current.

His skin was warm. He put my hand on his left chest right above of his heart. He closed his blue eyes and I was looking at his chest with wide eyes.

He have blue eyes?Why didn't I noticed first? Soon a bright blue light came out of his chest. My eyes almost fell out. What the fuck is this?

I tried to remove my hand immediately but he gripped it more tightly.

His hand on my hand and my hand on his naked, massive chest while a bright,blue light was coming out of it.

My heart was fluttering but at the same time beating like hell. He opened his eyes and removed my hand from his chest while still holding it.

A mark like a tatto came out of nowhere on his chest. "Wh-what just happened?" He looked down and once more a gasp left his mouth. He looked at me and then mark again at me and then mark.

"How is this possible?" He said surprisingly."What is not possible?Tell me too."

I was too much amazed of what just happened.

The light just came out of nowhere. My heart was beating at an insane speed.

What on earth is going on?


A/N: Vomment.

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