8-The love of my life

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"What the fuck!!!." Jungkook cursed loudly as he saw that person standing in the room. It was none other but your professor "David Wittson".

You rubbed your eyes and saw the whole scene. A loud gasp left your mouth when you realized that you was naked in front of your professor. With out thinking anything you covered the blanket on your body.

Jungkook looked at you being totally uncomfortable."What the heck are you both doing?" The professor shouted."Y/n Aren't you just suppose to study and support your family?but look at you being a whole slut..."

The professor was going extra harsh on you. Jungkook couldn't stand his words. He got up from the bed and first of all closed the door.


Who the fuck gave him right to call me a slut? The next minute Jungkook placed a punch on his face. He groaned in pain."You-" before the professor could say anything Jungkook placed another punch on his face.

Two punches with the power of a vampire were enough for him so I mumbled in a low voice to Jungkook. "Enough." His reddish eyes met mine.

He inhaled deeply and wore his pants while the professor who was lying on the floor got up and said

"I'll tell the management right now." Before he could even process to took a step. Jungkook ran with a speed of light toward him and grabbed him by his collar."Sure sweetheart. Why not." He said with a grin and stared into his eyes.

The pupil of his eyes widened with the pupil of professor's eye.

"You saw nothing here. We both were studying and you just went back." He said sternly while staring into his eyes. The professor repeated his words and said: "I saw nothing here. They were studying and I just went back."

While mumbling these words. He opened the door and simply went out.

Jungkook turned around and looked at me. I was terrified a little with all this things. He called me slut...it's not like I care but still he never acted like this before but the way Jungkook stood for me,won my heart.

He sat down next to me while my hand in his hand."Are you fine?" He asked me a in alow gentle voice. I nodded in response to him. He gave me my clothes that I wore instantly.


It was 11 at night. Jungkook and I both were studying but Jungkook was looking like a bit uncomfortable. I looked at him, he was scratching his hair while biting his lip. I got up from my chair and went to him. He looked at me and made me sit on his lap by holding me from my waist."Everything's fine?" I asked him as I moved my hand in his hairs.

He snugled his face into my chest while hugging me tightly and said in a low voice: "Yes, I'm fine." I caressed his back as he gripped on me tightly. He grasped me tightly and placed a kiss on my neck. I was wearing a loose shirt, it's upper two buttons were opened while Jungkook was wearing his normal shirt with folded sleeves.

He moved his lips from my neck to the lower part and sucked on it. I threw my head back as he opened the button of my shirt. I wasn't wearing any bra at that time. He opened all the buttons and sucked my left b**b. I gripped on his hairs tightly as he played his fingers on the other one. While holding me through my waist.

He laid me down on his bed and snuggled more into my breast. His face burried in

my chest while his arms wrapped around my waist. Having a romantic Vampire boyfriend is such a blessing that I didn't knew I needed. "Jungkook?" I called him in a low voice."hmmm?" He answered in between of my chest. "I need to study. Remember we have a test tomorrow." I retorted.

"Ahh..." Jungkook frowned and hugged me more tightly while I chuckled at his cuteness."Let me hug you for a while please." He pleaded while showing me his doe eyes. How can a vampire melt my heart? I inhaled deeply and agreed.

"No." Jungkook replied sternly and started taking a faster step. "but why?" I retorted while matching his speed. "It can be dangerous y/n." He denied my request once again and took a seat in the cafeteria while I followed him. Why just why can't he make me a vampire too? How cool it will be to move at the speed of light,can sense anything faster,a great strength and we both can also live together.

"Why?Jungkook?" I said while placing my cold hand on his warm hand. He narrowed his eyes on me and replied: "Living as a vampire is no fun."

"You become immortal and you can not die unless someone..." he stopped in between."Someone?" I asked him. "Nothing but know one thing that once you become a vampire there's no going back for centuries."

He said while holding my hand in his hand. "There's no hundred percent chance that you'll find your soulmate.." "But you found me." I said while cutting him off. He closed his eyes and sighed deeply."Ahh... You are so stubborn. Think about this for the whole day and then tell me your decision at night. I'll support your decision."

I smiled while he grabbed his books and went for the next class. My decision is the same. I want to be a vampire and that's it.

"So you really want to be a vampire?" He asked looking into my eyes as I sat on his lap while he gripped me from my waist to give me physical support. My hands around his neck. "YES." I replied.He sighed:"Okay." I placed a kiss on his lips in happiness while he placed back a kiss on my neck.

"So when are you going to make me a vampire?" I asked as he brushed his face

inside me while hugging tightly."Tonight." He replied in a faint voice. Ohh Yes... Finally I'm going to be a vampire too. "I'm lucky to have you." Said Jungkook while laying me down on the bed with him. I chuckled. Finally someone is happy by my presence, raising in a family where no one cares about you or your presence.

Not even with your existence, They just cared about their other child and threw me in a corner like I'm not their child but thankfully now I've someone in my life. Who's thankful for having me.

"Let's go y/n." Said Jungkook while I rubbed my eyes and looked at him with blurry vision. "Where?" I asked him as I got up from my bed. "Don't you want to become a vampire?" Oh yeah I want to. I immediately got up and said in an excited tone:"Oh yes." He chuckled and grabbed my hand while looking into my eyes. His black eyes once again turned into blue.

"Are you sure?" He asked for reassurance."Yes." I replied firmly. He nodded and grabbed my hand. It was almost 2 am at night so everyone was asleep in the hostel. No one saw us leaving the hostel. We reached the main gate of the hostel while he looked at me

and said:"Grab me." I obliged his orders and wrapped myself around him.

I really don't want to close my eyes this time. I want to see how it feels to walk at the speed of light. The moon was crescent that night,half of the sky filled with clouds, while Jungkook ran inside the forest. The force of air was so tight that I held him tighter,not wanting to fall down. The tree branches rubbing against one another due to the wind.

Soon he stopped. I got down and looked around. It was the same place where I found that girl dying. Jungkook's eyes were fixed on me. His eyes were shining. I don't know why but I was feeling nervous at that time. Of course I've never tried this thing before, becoming a vampire isn't my daily business.Ahh..What nonsense are you thinking y/n?Shut up. I slapped myself and turned my face to Jungkook.

His eyes were fixed on me. "Ready?" He asked while looking at me with a different kind of vibe."Y-yes." I nodded as he took a step toward me, coming closer to me. I trust him and he'll cause me no harm.

The Vampire's soulmate (1) JJK ✅Where stories live. Discover now