9-I'm sorry,love.

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I reassured myself and looked into his black eyes. We were surrounded by lots of long trees. Light moonlight falling on our faces made it possible to look at each other.

Fast wind blowing, the sound of branches rubbing against each other, several night insects making different sounds.

He took a step toward me while I stayed in my place, not moving an inch. I looked into his eyes, maintaining eye contact. A smile on his lips formed that made me smile too. I was feeling nervous but happy too and I really don't know why.

I raised my wrist and handed it to him. A smirk appeared on his face, I licked my lower lip while looking at his face. He grabbed my wrist and punched his sharp canine teeth inside my flash.

I felt a sharp pain as he pushed his canine inside rapidly making its way to my veins in which my blood was flowing.

He started sucking the blood, I closed my eyes and threw my head back at the support of the tree's trunk.

I was feeling like something's missing from my body of course it was my blood that he was drinking. He raised his head and looked at me. My blood is present on his lips while a narrow line of blood drops from the corner of his lips.

His eyes dark red, the reddish veins under his eyes making their way to his cheeks.My eyes fell on my wrist which was bleeding from several punctured marks.

I could see the rough indents of his teeth in my pale skin. His eyes fell on me, I watched him lick his lower lip dipped in my blood as a smirk appeared on his face.

The next minute I couldn't believe my eyes. He grabbed me from my neck and punched his sharp canine teeth inside my neck right above my life vein.

I felt a sharp pain in my neck region. Two lines of blood started dripping from that corner of neck which he started sucking uncontrollably.

I closed my eyes due immense pain,my palm formed into fist. He wasn't stopping in any minute, he kept sucking and sucking and sucking.

I felt drained, like he's draining every drop of my blood from my body. As the blood kept leaving my body, I started feeling weak and weak and weak. My legs started trembling, not being able to stand up now.

My skin turned pale, My heart beat slowly. My legs gave up at last, I was about to fall but Jungkook's grip on my neck was tight and didn't let me fall. I felt like every cell of my body was shrinking. My head started feeling dizzy.

Almost every drop of my blood was now in Jungkook's body.

As he detached his teeth from my neck. I fell down on the sand, my head against the wet soil but jungkook... he didn't come to

pick me up. I slowly moved my eyelids to look at his face. He licked his lips while wiped the rest of blood. Every inch of my body was falling.

"Jun-Ju-Jungkook." I barely called his name. He sat down on his feet Infront of me and placed a strand of my hair behind my ear which was falling on my face.

I slightly tried to move my hand to hold his hand but he didn't hold my hand back. I was completely taken by shock. I looked into his eyes and he-he started laughing. Why is he laughing? "Finally." He said while laughing.

"The day came which I have been waiting for since day one since I became a vampire."

My eyes widened. I tried to get up but fell down once again." Wh-what do you mean?" I pronounced barely looking into his eyes with my wet eyes." "You know what y/n. Let me tell you the truth now since you are going to die in the next few minutes. You are not my soulmate but actually you are my doppelganger."

Tears fell down from my eyes at his every word. I couldn't believe my ears. He used me just like everyone else did? My heart was already aching but felt like stopping from the pain.

I wish I could just die at this moment instead of living even for the next moment instead of living even for the next few minutes."Your blood can make me back immortal for ever. I could have drank your blood easily but you know,directly hurting a beautiful girl isn't in my blood."

He further continued: "Ohh sorry- You aren't even beautiful Hahaha." He chuckled while insulting me and further continued: "Ohh you remember that girl?Whom I killed.. She was right, you should have saved everyone instead of falling in love with me."

His tone was indeed like a monster but even more harsh than a monster. My heart shed into pieces. "By the way I had a great time with you. Anyways enjoy in heaven love I also need to enjoy my last normal vampire minutes. Rest in peace."

He traced his fingers against my pale face,got up and turned around but then he turned around again, looked at me and said: "yeah you were right. I'm a monster but becoming this monster was never my choice. Anyways Enjoy ummahh."

He threw a kiss at me and ran from there with the speed of light.

He took my love for granted and played with my heart.

Just like everyone else did with me from the day one of my life. First my parents and now him.I was feeling completely dead from inside not because of the lack of blood but because of the lack of love. Tears falling from my eyes continuously. Every moment I spent with him was replaying in my mind.

I closed my eyes waiting for my death to come.

But if I had another life I'll surely spend that while taking revenge on you Jungkook but I guess heaven is not my side in anyway.I shut my eyes as tears kept falling from them.

All the pain that I endured from my childhood to a minute before kept coming in my mind and the next moment when I heard faint sound of some one's footsteps but before I could see anything further.

I lost my consciousness.

----|The End|----


Season 2 will be out soon!

The Vampire's soulmate (1) JJK ✅Where stories live. Discover now