Drunk & high

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{what type of drunk & stoner they are; this fictional so don't get your panties in a twist }

- what they prefer: being drunk
- type of drunk: the flirty drunk
• he's always flirting with you and constantly letting you know how much he loves you.
- type of stoner: the philosopher
• he tends to start asking deep questions and things that get your brain turning.

- what they prefer: being drunk
- type of drunk: happy drunk
• he's just a silly guy, having the best time.
- type of stoner: the noob
• he doesn't smoke as often and is low key clueless.

- what they prefer: being high
- type of drunk: reckless drunk
• he's more carefree and does stupid stuff while drunk
- type of stoner: the Mcguyver
• can literally turn anything into a bong or pipe. Low key a pro.

- what they prefer: being drunk
- type of drunk: affectionate drunk
• tbh he's affectionate in general but it elevates the drunker he gets.
- type of stoner: the skater
• he likes weed and skateboarding, self explanatory.

- what they prefer: being drunk
- type of drunk: either angry or happy
• usually he's a happy drunk, but occasionally he gets mad and punches a wall. He'd never hurt you or anyone
- type of stoner: paranoid
• he's just always worried he's going to get caught, eve though no one really cares.

- what they prefer: being high.
- type of drunk: the secret drunk
• when he's drunk, you honestly can't tell.
- type of stoner: the gearhead
• he's update with the latest weed updates or products.

- what they prefer: being drunk
- type of drunk: either angry or flirty drunk.
• he'd never hurt you, he has a temper and tends to take thing too far. Other times he constantly flirts with you.
- type of stoner: heavy hitter
• he takes the biggest hits and usually ends up higher than anyone else.

- what they prefer: being drunk
- type of drunk: funny drunk
• he's always doing really dumb stuff, you have tons of videos of drunk Alex.
- type of stoner: sleepy stoner
• anytime he smokes or takes an edible he gets so sleepy when it kicks in.

- what they prefer: being high
- type of drunk: the happy drunk
• he's just living his best life, you have thousands of videos of him being in his own would.
- type of stoner: the old school hippy
• he knows what he's doing, he knows how to get the best affect and have the best time. He can outsmoke anyone in the circle.

- what they prefer: being drunk.
- type of drunk: sloppy drunk
• she tends to be more in her feelings when she's drunk.
- type of stoner: stoner chick
• she could put smoke anyone and take it like a champ.

- what they prefer: being drunk.
- type of drunk: cuddly drunk
• he's just overly touching, whether he's holding your hand or cuddling you.
- type of stoner: lazy stoner.
• once the weed kicks in he's glued to whatever spot he was in.

{Remember this is fanfic. Keep that in mind while reading the next three}

- what they prefer: being high.
- type of drunk: goofy drunk
• he's like himself just times 10000, he's so much louder and more chaotic.
- type of stoner: philosophical
• he typically gets in his own head, but in a good way. He gets a bunch of video ideas, there's never a dull moment when he's high.

- what they prefer: being drunk.
- type of drunk: funny & sloppy drunk.
• let's just say, there's never a dull moment. He also woke up in a bush on time.
- type of stoner: hungry stoner
• he's always in the kitchen making the weirdest food.

- what they prefer: being high.
- what type of drunk: affectionate drunk
• he's always holding your hand or playing with your hair; etc.
- type of stoner: the film bluff
• he'll watch the weirdest movies or YouTube videos while being high.

{ to those who do smoke, if you listen to The Dark Side of The Moon by Pink Floyd and watch Alice in Wonderland, they line up perfectly. Also highly recommend watching Pineapple Express while high. Oh and I also wanna recommend a good stoner snack: get gushers and roll them up in a fruit roll up (like a burrito) and then wrap a fruit by the foot around it }

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