Night 1

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This was a job you did not want to do. This was a job, working barely minimum wage (was that even minimum wage?) as a night guard in a creepy horror attraction. The vents hardly worked, there were scratches along the walls of said vents (too big to be a raccoon's claws...), and the uniform you were given still had sweat on it from the last poor sucker who probably worked this job.

If someone was fucked, it was you.

Not that this mattered much, though. It was a paying job. So, you got there your first night not expecting much else than to sit bored and watch some cameras. Maybe kick the vent a few times. It was a whole five minutes of sitting there before you got a call. It was startling, to say the least. Not that you'd admit it, but being in this creepy attraction at just after midnight did put one on edge rather easily.

"Hey hey, new employee!"

You would've responded if it weren't for the fact that the voice of what you could only assume was an eighteen to nineteen year old who smoked weed on the down-low didn't continue on.

"Little recorded message for you. Set it up to like... Ring you or some shit. You'll know what I mean when you hear this!"

There it was. Just some recorded message. You were just flipping through cameras, anxiety dropping from the suddenness of the 'call'...

"Welcome to the Freddy Fazbear's horror attraction staff, dude! We've got a lot of awesome stuff here, but like... Don't go touching any of it, hah!"

This strange stoner teen seemed to ramble on for a while about the relics. It wasn't hard to see them either, most of them actually right near your office... He mentioned the faces (incomplete heads in some cases) of animatronics, and it didn't take long for your eyes to fall onto the cardboard box housing them. He mentioned the control for an old 'marionette' styled one, and it didn't take more than just a few clicks around the camera for you to locate the faux wooden control up against a wall in a hallway. It wasn't until the last thing he described that anything truly interesting caught your eye.

There, still looking over the control as he began to stutter his way into the next cool 'relic' they had gotten, was a more fully formed animatronic. Don't be fooled, it was frayed and decaying to hell and back, but it had all it's limbs and seemingly could move. After all, it was when your camera did that annoying little static glitch you were only just getting use to that the thing appeared within your vision.
"Something else we've had for a bit is this old springlock suit! A Spring Bonnie, as we call it! Sometimes it moves around, probably some left over circuits and shit coming to life. I don't know. What I do know is that it's some scary shit, man!"

The incompetent excitement of the recording was the last of your concerns for the moment. It moves? The very first thing you thought of was:

"What if it gets into my office?"

Sadly, this concern wasn't even addressed. He left with a rather typical 'sah dude' kind of 'outro' to his call just after describing the decaying Springlock suit that you could've sworn just twitched as the 'click' of the recording ending sounded. The dial tone soon started, dull beeps fading in and out as you lazily reached to where ever the damn phone was set. It was a little feeling around before you managed to grab it, but you couldn't tell where the actual hook was. God fucking...

"Fuck it."

Forgoing the anxiety of a walking, possibly talking, certainly rotting Spring Suit waltzing right into your office was hard, but you looked away from the cameras and set the phone back on the hook. It was then you looked back, the cameras coming back to life and a hallway fading in and... Oh dear.

The old faux wood control was snapped in a couple of places, now just a heap of plastic on the ground and about as broken looking as all the other relics in the place. Oh no.

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