Week 2, night 1

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You told yourself you were quitting early in the week. You came through the doors, glad that you had an out, at least. After the first week, you could back out and they'd find some other night guard. You sat at your desk, comforted by this easy back door if needed, but... You weren't planning on using it soon.

"Why hello there, partner!"

You looked the direction of the voice, seeing Spring Trap coming through your little office doorway. This was why you were staying. Spring Trap was many things... Smart, dangerous, and helpful. You just had to help him some too.

"Hello, Springtrap."

As of your second week, things had gotten more casual. Now it was your third week; a nice, Tuesday evening in the dead of June with your probably haunted animatronic friend. The word 'probably' only hung in the air above him because you were also still somewhat sure you didn't believe in ghosts.

"What've you got in store for me tonight, Springtrap?"

Springtrap chuckled just a bit while moving in his usual rickety fashion, crossing his arms and seeming to try and lower his shoulders into some position that looked a little more casual, though it didn't come out quite right. You were used to his attempts at seeming non-threatening not working out quire right. You appreciated the sentiment he hoped to get across nonetheless.

"Well, we've got food in the freezer... Some of it's getting a little rotten smelling though... Might want to take it out back," he said, capping off the speech with a hacking laugh.

You understood at once, reaching under your desk for the gloves you stowed away in there. A fresh pair on each hand to keep fingerprints from doing you in! Once you had them on, you stood up.

"Should get rid of it then, yeah? Could you boil some of the meat while I work on that?"

Springtrap put off that same aura, that same implication in the ear of an ear-to-ear grin before answering you.

"I've got you real fond of boiled meat, huh? Like the feel of raw meat?"

You gladly followed him as he began his heavy steps off to the kitchen. He was easy to follow, thank god.

"It tastes pretty good, actually! Never imagined nearly raw meat would be so delicious."

"I'm glad... Not like I know how to cook it any other way!"

You two got a good laugh out of that, and upon getting to the kitchen, you looked to the freezer. It was a smaller kitchen than would be in a real Fazbear's establishment, but it held plenty. Walking around, you found the trash bags you'd hidden in there during the second week. Once you got it out, Springtrap had the weighty freezer door open. It was always impressive, the feats he managed to pull off from inside that ramshackle machine.

"Which one's rotting," you asked as you came to peer into it with him.

Springtrap dragged the rotting one forward a bit, and it certainly had the smell you'd guess a rotting body had. With a nod, you began working the small corpse into the trash bag. It was missing pieces and organs that would all be very important to a lively, functioning child; but this was no functioning child you piled into a closed up garbage bag. Springtrap gave you a pat on the back a little harder than he probably intended, arm delaying and stopping just short of when he seemed to want it to. After, you scurried off, navigating the dark hallways yourself. You'd gotten better at it, though you couldn't help but wonder if Springtrap could see in the dark! Thankfully, you were getting it down. Soon enough, you were out back and tossing the trash bag into the dumpster, purposefully among all the other, rotten smelling food junk.

You got back inside, just deciding to wait in your office. Springtrap would know where to find you. In the coming ten or twenty minutes, he did know where to find you too. A nice bowl carried in one hand, full of small cuts of food.

"Thanks, Springtrap."

He held it out, and you gladly took the bowl. Leaning back nice and casual in your office chair, you got to eating while Springtrap spoke.

"Got the body taken care of, Partner?"

You nodded, and that got the approval.

"Good! Glad I can rely on you, Partner. How's that food taste?"

"Better than the shit I was living on before."

"Good... You think they're onto us, Partner?"

'Onto us?' You cocked a brow before looking into the bowl. Cleaned off, boiled, delicious meat taken off the not so fresh, but preserved corpse of a human child.

"They haven't said anything to me at least. Should I look out for it?"

"Well, yeah! Don't want you getting locked up, right? Be real lonely over here on my own in some dinky establishment like this."

Such a personal sentiment. He'd been throwing more and more of those your way over time. You were almost too used to it to even bat an eye or question it's sincerity.

"It wouldn't be that fun, would it?"

You popped another small cut of the meat into your mouth, chewing it up with a pleased hum while Springtrap kept on.

"No, it wouldn't. Maybe check out the newspapers sometime, Partner. We have to be sure they aren't going to investigate you specifically."

"That reminds me, Springtrap. Why do you do this?"

"That's for me to know, and you to enjoy the spoils."

"Fine by me."

Springtrap got up, mentioning some rubbish about wanting to go out and check out other places to do the abducting from. It was harder to get kids, he mentioned. Haunted attractions usually attract, at best, the ten to twelve range. (Around now, you hit the vent reset, not wanting to suffocate in the middle of conversation.) He was used to toddlers, he went on, and you felt the slight churn of a sick feeling before you ate a bit more, and your moral leftovers were beaten into submission by the bat of your full stomach. You were used to this, but it was getting easier.

He kept rambling right up until he realized he was a little too far away to be heard well, where he called out loudly for you to have a good night. You waved out the window with a jovial grin as he coughed and got along. A glance at your watch said 4:08 AM, which just meant another two hours. You leaned back, chucking the bowl under your desk where nobody looked.

It was a smooth two hours until it hit 6:00 AM. The clockwork order of how the building turned on came through, and your manager came in with a worried look. You were a little caught off guard by that, but standing up to get out your manager caught you.

"Employee! Could you come with me, please?"

You nodded, not totally sure where this was going, but... You were sure it'd be fine. You nodded and followed right along to his office. It was a nice enough office. Rather undecorated, without paintings or many things other than a plant on a cheap looking desk that looked like it was polished to a point where the table looked cheaper than it would've otherwise. The gloss easily highlighted how rickety it was underneath, you thought, sitting at the side in front of the desk while your manager hurried himself into the seat behind.

"Employee... Have you heard anything from your co-workers about disappearances?"

"No sir, I haven't. Also, I have a name. It's—"

"I guess you don't talk to them much. You're a real busy guy, huh Employee?"

"I am..."

You suddenly realized this shit had actual consequences. The world wouldn't cut you slack just because the murderer was a 99% probably haunted animatronic.

"Well, if you hear anything, please, report it back to me."

"Of course."

"Have a good day, employee."

"You too."

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