Night 6

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You woke to the sickening feeling of dry vomit on your shirt and pants. You never felt more disgusting, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes as it became very apparent you were laying in a pile of soft something... What that thing was you couldn't parse out in the pitch black, but getting a better feel of part of this pile that bulged up to your left, you discerned it seemed to be clothes? A shirt on top, specifically.

You were a bit wobbly on your feet as you rose from the pile, but you didn't fall over. When the smell hit from the puke on your shirt, you felt like you could go for round two, but you managed in this misery. A few steps and some outstretched hands later, you felt the wall. Feeling along that, you found a light switch. You had to shield your eyes at first. Once you'd adjusted to the light, you looked back at that pile to see it was just some pile of old uniforms. Why you'd been tossed onto a pile of old uniforms was beyond you, but looking up from that had the same familiar shelves and cleaning supplies as normal...

You were in the janitor's closet.

You opened the door just a crack, peering out to see the lights all off. A look at your watch said it was just past one in the morning. At least that meant you could roam mostly safely... You turned the light off, previous fear of what turning lights on after hours creeping up your spine before you closed the door and tried to make your way to your office. The last thing you could remember from yesterday was vomiting all over yourself from the smell of rotting...

You got to your desk, finding that the vents had been recently reset and there was a letter on your desk. You ripped it open haphazardly before pulling out the neatly folded paper within. It was a company notice, asking if you'd left early from your job or not. If you had, this was a warning. If you hadn't, and were merely hiding under your desk from an incoming enemy, report this to your manager in the morning. You dropped the letter onto your desk, wondering if you could begin to save your ass by saying you were under the desk.

You sat in the chair, suspecting that actually leaving work early was the worst idea you could have at the time. You pulled up the cameras, half curious as to where your springlocked 'friend' had gone. Springtrap appeared to be heading this way, actually. Right down the halls. Your instant reaction was to quickly play one of the sound clips you were so quick to use at the start of all of this; that shit eating laugh sounding off with a sense of nostalgia for when this job was life-threatening, but simplistic at the same time.

The laughter didn't detour Springtrap at all. He paused, looking the direction it echoed from, but he didn't do much more than shake in a way that suggested some laughter of his own. You hopelessly watched as Springtrap approached your office, and quickly, arrived at your office window. He still had all the same features about him. Decay and bugs that both made you equally squeamish. You'd be lying if you tried to say that you weren't getting used to the sight, however.

The smell was a different story, you quickly realized. Springtrap finally entered the room, not sitting next to you like before. You couldn't make much out of his face, even squinting a little in frustration as your eyes traced over anything that might clue you into why he was just staring at you. After what felt like two whole eternities, Springtrap broke the silence.

"So, you're alright then, partner?"

The way he phrased it made you wonder if you didn't remember an exchange of words up to this point. Searching your own head, you certainly were sure that this was the first thing he'd said to you since you woke up. Why he was concerned was something you didn't know if you wanted details on.

"I feel better, at least."

Your honest answer seemed to earn you some relief, if his change in tone was anything to go off of. "Good... You looked sick as all living hell before."

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