Night 5

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You got into work a few minutes late. From how you rushed inside, you felt like you might as well have had a piece of toast hanging out of your mouth, cup noodles you called a breakfast tucked under your arm and not even cooked yet. With the interactions yesterday, fear was subsiding to mild anxiety and curiosity, so you had a plan.

You couldn't enact that plan safely though if you weren't clocked into work at exactly when you should be, per company policy. You didn't want to hear it from your manager. However, you got in and saw that you had been clocked in, just at the right time. There wasn't much thought put to who would've done it, as there weren't exactly many options. From there, you held your cup noodles out and had to make a decision: do you do it?

You decided you would.

You walked around for a while, checking around before finding the kitchen. Although you'd been flicking quickly through the cameras for almost five nights now, you weren't the best at navigating with such a perspective change. Upon finding the kitchen, you checked your watch. It had been maybe a good five minutes of wandering.

Stumbling around in the dark kitchen was something else. You bumped into tables and counters, but you weren't sure what to do. You were told to leave the lights off in the other rooms, but was that for your own safety against Springtrap, because of a specialized night alarm, or what? You wouldn't test it, but halfway through avoiding a counter that you could somewhat see this time, you were yanked upright by a large figure in the dark. Although you gasped and flinched, you did relax just a bit when you made out the rabbit-like silhouette.

"What are you doing wandering around in the dark, partner?"

You never would've thought when you hit Springtrap over the head with that bat that you'd be holding out the cup noodles to him at some point and asking for help in a voice that may have been just a bit too quiet.

"A microwave? No time to eat, huh? I had to clock you in, you know."

Springtrap took the cup noodles, and began to walk off somewhere in the kitchen. You followed on his heels, assuming either he could see in the dark, or he had the place memorized. You saw him turn over the cup in his hand for a moment, standing in front of of a blocky shadow that you guessed was a counter top and microwave. You'd already poured water into it and left it barely open before realizing you were almost late—and he seemed to pick up on that.

"How long you need this heated up for?"

"Two minutes."

He chucked it in, hitting a few buttons before the light of the microwave filled the tiny corner of kitchen, a human and a ghost in a suit standing together and watching some of the cheapest food you could stomach spin in a microwave. The silence was filled quickly by whirring of a microwave on it's last legs, but from there, it was filled just a bit more.

"Just eating these?"

"The... cup noodles?"

Springtrap nodded; you shrugged, "It's cheap. Most of my money right now is being put on rent."

He chuckled. "I didn't think they paid enough to hold up rent."

"Oh, I also do small odd jobs with this one, to make sure I can keep a roof over my head."

It was then the beeping sounded out, and Springtrap opened up the microwave. He seemed to turn to look at you, but your eyes were readjusting to the darkness all over again. You could at least tell he held out the noodles to you, and you took them.

"You plan on just eating in here, or you going back to your office?"

"My office."

"Good. Follow me."

Springtrap x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now