Night 3

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Wednesday was starting off no better. You got into work a good five minutes early, hoping to beat the day shift guard to leaving and get some information out of him. Sadly, when you got in, you learned that during the day your office (and the "exhibit" by proxy) were blocked off. The day guard had apparently called in sick with some kind of stomach bug. Without any way to ask probably the most knowledgeable guy (that you had any contact with) in the building about the Springlock suit, you just waited for the doors to close and your shift to start.

Creepy was the best was to describe the silence as 12:00 AM began to slowly roll it's way by. A flick of the camera screens said that the Springlock suit was just sitting in a part of the hall. It was hardly even doing anything. Seeing as you seemed to have time before the thing got moving, you traced out your plan for the night.

Firstly, you tried to see if the day guard had left his number anywhere. Any notes from him you could've missed, an employee phone book forgotten in the office, or even if he'd recorded his previous two messages from a call and you could get the number that way. Pacing, scrounging, you turned the whole office over, but no to all three. That meant feeling out a plan for how to defend yourself. Sitting back down in your chair, you checked the cameras again. The suit had indeed moved, but only to the center of that portion of hallway caught in your camera, looking at 'you' through the camera. Freaky as that was, you didn't have a stash of large, blunt objects at home to bring into the office. You hadn't brought anything ridiculous either, like a kitchen knife. There was no way in hell the dull cooking knives from your kitchen would be any help against this thing.

You could close the vents, but keeping them closed? That wasn't an option. As the vents crossed your mind, you hit the reset for them and got out of your chair. There hardly ever seemed to be break ins, and that's what they hired you to watch for, right? Sure, they were unexpected, and it's not like a place needs to be broken into frequently for them to want to take precautions—but maybe you could leave your office and hide? It was only a glance from where you stood to notice the vent was more torn up than before. There were new things on that opening now too... At least, you thought they were new. It may have been dark in the office, but you were sure.

A few steps, and then you crouched for the millionth time at that godforsaken vent. Something had dried up on it... It was maybe a brown color? Getting a little closer—you reeled back with the realization as to what it was coating the vent. It got denser, more splatters as you looked in. You moved away from the vent, not wanting to look any longer at the terrific display.

You were ripped from your thoughts by a sound coming from deeper in the hallway, coming for your office. You made a mad dash for your chair, throwing yourself into it and yanking up the camera. The springlock suit hadn't moved, not an inch. What was coming? Frantic flicking through the cameras told you absolutely nothing, and once you realized you had seen them all: it became five times more confusing. You closed the vents just in case, heart pounding like a war drum in your throat, breath almost spilling out of you as you tried to figure out what the hell was making that sound!

Then all but your heart went quiet. The light hum of the vents, your shaking body, and a figure down the hall. You squinted after a moment, as it was dark and hard to make out... It appeared to be another animatronic, but what exactly was hard to tell. Had they gotten a new one and just not said anything? Perhaps the day guard would've brought it up had he been in to see. All you did was blink before the thing had moved, causing you to flinch in your seat.

It was far more discernible. It looked like the old Foxy animatronic, though it was more decayed than even that haunted Springlock suit. Missing limbs, eyes, discolored to the point of being green as the mold you were certain was growing on it. You tried to watch as long as possible, afraid even blinking again would mean it would move. Though, you couldn't keep your eyes open forever. You blinked, and the moment your eyes had opened it was in front of you. It lunged right for you, and you put your arms up to defend yourself—you screamed, and...

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