Week 2, night 2

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Consequences were suddenly thrust back into your full view the rest of your day (or better put, the beginning of your evening, as your night-shift schedule had made you practically nocturnal.) You got into work at the usual clockwork time and got to your office, checking all the usual things. The cameras said Springtrap was on his way, which was fine enough. You had questions, he'd hopefully have answers. You didn't know how you thought this would all be consequence free child murder, but it was a nice fantasy!

It was as the vents had finished resetting that Springtrap came to the doorless opening of the office, knocking on the air as though there were something there that could've stopped him.

"Knock knock, partner!"

Springtrap "let himself in" to loudly wander over to you. He stood next to you, not attempting the awkward sitting position he often had a little difficulty getting out of. You nodded your head without actually looking away from the window at first, eye caught by a rusty and dirty guitar down the hall you were fairly certain wasn't there when you first sat down.

"Something the matter, partner?"

"No, no. Just distracted."

You looked over at him, before pointing at the guitar up on the wall and trying to ask him.

"You see that?"

Springtrap looked and answered back in confusion, "The wall?"

"Is there anything on the wall?"

Springtrap seemed to lean forward a bit, trying to squint and force his far too old eyes to cooperate with him. It was a sizeable pause, you slowly lowering your trembling hand to the desk and allowing it to relax from it's firm pointing position onto the top of the surface. It all felt too deliberate, however. It felt as though your hand would've just stayed like that had you not consciously walked yourself through the steps of relaxing.

"I don't see much more than children's drawings and old paint trying to fly off the walls."

Springtrap looked over at you, cocking his head a bit to the side. You met his gaze before looking back down the hall. Now it was more than a guitar. It was an animatronic, very similar to the concerned rabbit standing next to you. You heard him say your name, but you didn't acknowledge him. You were taking in the purple rabbit that now held that guitar at the end of the hall.

Your first thought was panic about how easily that guitar could crack your skull open. Your second thought was fleeting, and centered entirely on the fact that the rabbit hadn't been there before. For a moment, you wished the new day guard hadn't died, because he could've easily told you what animatronic had shown up.

This place just churned out dead guards, huh?


You were snapped out of your dissociative, rapid fire train of thought, looking back at Springtrap. You could discern worry from his posture, at least... He tried to make the animatronic smile, though you couldn't tell if the fact it was lopsided was intentional or not based on tone of voice alone.

"You alright, Partner? Sleeping enough, eating enough? Don't tell me it's all getting to you this late in!"

"No, I'm sure I'm fine! Maybe just hungry or something."

There was a pause, but it didn't last too long. Springtrap let out a hearty chuckle before starting for the door.

"'Course! Hunger does shit to a person's mind, you know? Gotta get you all nice and fixed up... Get some food in you!"

"Hah, yeah!"

Springtrap left with that, and you looked back out the window. The rabbit was closer. You would swear though, from how it was positioned, it hardly looked like it would've moved. Not a single fiber was out of place from it's prior pose, and that was the terrifying part. It was as though it'd just appeared in the new spot, and the view it was giving you? Far from pleasant. You'd swear it was as rotten as Springtrap. The only difference you'd note is exchanging maggots for an over abundance of mold that turned what you were sure was once a very nice shade of purple into a varied mix of dead lavender, moldy green, and gray that never lived to begin with.

Springtrap x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now