Night 4

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Going back was the dumbest idea of your life. You tried to explain to your manger over the phone come morning that you were uncomfortable with the Springlock suit; he simply told you that you had a contract. At least one week, then you could quit. Finally, you understood why the contract obligation was so short...

Going into work at exactly 12:00 just to not get yelled at was the hard part. For a moment, you stood in the doorway of your office. You managed to get through the front entrance at least, but the overwhelming anxiety of what might happen once you pulled up those cameras and located the Springlock rabbit, or once it located you, it was too much. For a moment, you had the somewhat irrational thought that maybe if you just stood in this doorway, it would never show up. If you never sat down, you would never have to deal with the rotting monster inside the carcass of an animatronic rabbit.

You were sorely mistaken.

A hand landed on your shoulder, or what you hoped was a hand at least. The slow turn of the head you made told you that it was, in fact, the Springlock suit's hand. It turned you around right as you registered who had a hold on your shoulder, and you spun around unstably to face the thing. It was a lot scarier up close, while you almost tripped over what felt like two left feet. It was hard to make out any expression on it's face, but the hope was that it was at least happy to see you? You finally managed to stand with even a shred of dignity to your posture, though unstable on knees ready to buckle or bolt depending on what happened.

"So, you came back, huh?"

You lagged a moment, but you managed to sputter out a response. "I can't quit yet."

"Of course, contracts and such. Either way, I'm glad to see you again, partner."

You simply nodded, and silence filled the air around the both of you. Neither of you spoke, though the suit eventually cocked it's head jerkily to the side. With that you realized the silence had gone on too long, quickly walking your way over to your chair and sitting in it.

"Oh, you aren't going to need to check the cameras much anymore, partner."

The way the rabbit said it seemed too proud for your liking, You looked over real quick, but it hadn't moved much more than to gesture with it's arms.

"Nobody breaks into a place like Freddy's Fright, or whatever they're calling this dump of old relics. You only really had to worry about me."

It spoke rather matter-of-fact, though it seemed to be trying to force some charm into the vocal box (or chords at this rate) that was at least twenty years rotten, you thought. Why it would try to charm and compel you was a mystery to you. Perhaps it just wanted you to stop looking so anxious. You also would like to stop looking so anxious, but that was rather close to impossible under the circumstances. You didn't answer yet again.

"You're real quiet, aren't you?"

You just shrugged, pulling up the controls so you could hit the vent reset. It had felt like hours, and even though it hadn't been that long in reality, resetting the vents early hurt nobody. The suit walked around with heavy, deliberate steps that turned more into loud stomps. You hoped that was just because of the weight, and that it wasn't purposefully lumbering about to intimidate you. It sat down a little ways away from your chair, cross-legged and not seeming to bother you. This lasted for all of a half hour before you assume it got bored, because now it was trying to make conversation.

"I never gave you my name, huh?"

"No, you hadn't," you replied blankly.

"What would you want to call me?"

You looked at the suit, not entirely sure how to feel about the question. What would you want to call it? You had several ideas, most of them terrible, and at least half of them offensive on some level... Perhaps you shouldn't provoke the hundreds of pounds murder machine sitting next to your chair.

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