Night 2

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Second night, your first Tuesday on the job, you could do this! You went through with the idea of bringing a weapon, but it took some deciding. You ended up bringing a bat with you, metal and unused until now. You would hide it under the camera controls or the desk... It was hard to plan without everything in front of you.

You got there, right on time, and stood the bat up against the desk while you checked everything out. Your dinky nighttime vent set up had started up, and the summer heat was cooling rather nicely. You knew where all the essentials were this time. The audio lure, the cameras themselves, the vent system that may have just saved your life last time... First things first, where the hell was Spring Bonnie? It was a few camera switches before you spotted him, a ways away from your office. That's when the phone rang.

"Hey there, newbie."

The day guard seemed far less enthusiastic to be recording for you. You set the phone down, the thing being louder than most speakers, listening while you made 100% sure that the rabbit was still in the same place. It was still in that camera, but now it had moved more toward the wall and shadows... Clever.

"No new relics yet, and one of them seems vandalized? I noticed it on my way in. The control I mentioned before was torn to shit!"

He went on a while about the fact that these things are quite hard to come by and how customers should really respect the establishment and such. If he were there to hear you, you may not have had the heart to tell him that it wasn't a customer who destroyed the puppet control. He stopped just after that, wishing you an easy night watching the place. The click and dull tone came back as the cameras covered in static.

"What the hell?"

You'd noticed it the night before, but it was only when you switched cameras, usually. There may have been a couple of times where it covered the screen and you weren't changing views? Were these cameras really that janky? You would just have to work around that, you supposed. It was a paranoid shift of the eyes up to the office window that told you the animatronic rabbit wasn't right outside your office, at least. A good two clicks told you, however, that he was approaching. No sweat... Yesterday you'd learned that the audio lure did the trick just fine. A young boy's "hello" played out, echoing through rooms and down halls until you heard it too.

Assuming your lure had worked as planned, you reset the vent system. You were getting better at that, thankfully. Oxygen deprivation and heat strokes weren't on the schedule for tonight! You leaned back, a snicker of confidence as you mindlessly set the audio lure off.


If that rotting bunny was so easily fooled by the recording of a child's voice greeting it, who were you to worry about it? If it wandered in, you had a bat at least. You decided to check out the vent system just in case, and sure enough there was nothing in the vents! You reset the system just after, lax and smirking at the dark screen; all you had to do was wait this night out and every now and then turn on the controls to reset the vents and play the lure!

It was a few minutes later, just after you flicked up the controls and reset the vent, that you heard something. Something heavy, approaching. No issue, you still had the controls up. You hit the lure a little further back in the hallway, hearing that shit-eating laugh they decided to include in the recordings.

What you had gathered was walking was still a decent ways away, but it wasn't going the other direction. It wasn't following the lure... By the time you got the controls down and the bat in your hand, the damn animatronic had seemed to teleport! In a flash, it was outside your office window. It was a quick glance to your watch before looking right back at the rotted sack of metal parts. It was barely past 1:05, let alone close to letting you leave your shift. You had the bat though, loosely held for now in one hand.

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