Chapter 7

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It had been 8 months since I started working with Noel. Time had flown by so quickly and I felt very relaxed with Noel now. I had practically been at his house everyday and fell into a routine. I would come over, work on a few things while Noel was doing whatever he had to do for the day, then we would hang out and talk. I felt so comfortable at his house, almost like it was my second home. When me and Noel talked it felt like he was my best friend not my client. We started hanging out outside of his house. He would invite me to lunch, for drinks, and also accompanied him to interviews and media appearances.

I didn't start to notice until a few weeks ago that Sara was never around. At the house or any of the places I went with Noel, she was not there. I figured Noel must've been lonely and maybe thats why we were spending so much time together. I kept thinking about why Noel was with me all the time, Noel certainly had to have cooler and more exciting friends than me. The next time we went out for lunch I decided to ask him about it.

"Hi Jess," Noel smiled at me as I walked into the restaurant, "Glad to see you again."

We sat down at our usual table and ordered our drinks and food. I sat and looked at my drink and Noel could tell I had something on my mind.

"You alright Jess?" Noel stared at me a bit worriedly.

"I'm fine, was just wondering why you spend so much time with me? You must have way more exciting people to hang out with." I questioned him.

Noel sat and thought for a second.

"Well, I think you are cool. You know some of those old cunts can be quite boring and all proper," Noel made a goofy posh looking face, "You are much younger and full of life. I see the joy in your eyes everyday and I like that about you."

I started to tear up a bit and quickly wiped my tear away before Noel could see. No one had ever said things like that about me before. We continued talking and laughing until we finished eating.

As we got up to leave, I put on a posh accent, "Shall we leave this treacherous place Mister Sir Gallagher?"

Noel stood up and went along with my act, "I think we shall my Lady Madam." Noel curtsied and took my hand and kissed the top of it. We both laughed as we walked out the building.

The next time I came over to Noel's house, as soon as I got there something felt off. The lights were dark and the door was locked. Noel wasn't supposed to be out anywhere today.

"Noel! Noel are you home?" I pounded on the door.

Nothing happened so I found the spare key hiding behind the light post. Noel told me where it was in case I ever wanted to come over when he wasn't there. I finally managed to unlock the door and stepped inside. I switched on the light in the hallway and made my way down. As I got closer to the living room I could hear faint crying echoing down the hall.  I turned toward the kitchen and saw Noel sitting at his countertop. He had his head in his hands trying to stop him from sobbing so much. I sat in the seat next to him and put my hand on his shoulder. Noel lifted his head up and looked my way. He was surprised to see me and tried to calm himself down.

"Are you ok Noel? Whats going on?"

"Sara's leaving me, we're getting a divorce." Noel said frowning.

His eyes were so red, I felt so sorry for him.

"Oh my god Noel, I'm so sorry."

Noel sniffled and continued, "She's also kicking me out of the house and taking the kids with her."

I started to tear up myself and hugged Noel. He wasn't a big man but being in his arms felt great. He was soft and relaxing. I think it calmed Noel too as he started to breathe normally again. He let go and I sat with him for a while.

I was shocked to hear this news from Noel, when I had talked to Sara she seemed so in love with him. They looked like they had the perfect life. But I guess I should have seen this coming with her not being around much anymore. As I started to think about Noel's soon to be ex-wife a thought appeared in my head.

"Noel? Does this mean I won't be working with you anymore since your wife hired me?"

Noel quickly looked up at me with his sad eyes again. He grabbed my hand in his, "Please Jess please stay. I can't bear to lose you too." Noel continued to hold my hand, "She may have hired you but I have been the one paying you."

I nodded and Noel smiled as he let go of my hand.

"Of course I'll stay. You need all the help you can get. And you know im the right gal for that job." I winked.

Noel laughed a bit and it felt nice to help him cheer up even if just for a minute.

"Where are you gonna stay?" I asked after a while.

"I guess in a hotel for now until I can find something."

The next few days instead of working, I came over to help Noel pack up his stuff. I hated seeing Noel so sad and disappointed but I was glad I was to be there for him when he needed it most.

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