Chapter 12

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I woke up the next day with Noel next to me. He was still sleeping but I stayed in bed and cuddled with him for a bit, brushing his hair with my fingers. After a while Noel was still asleep so I got up, changed and made some food. As I was eating, I grabbed my phone to scroll through some social media. I picked it up and saw a million messages and missed calls from literally everyone. I opened one of the messages from my friend and saw a headline that made me almost choke on my food.

Recent divorcee Noel Gallagher spotted replacing ex with young pretty new woman.

I became enraged, these kind of headlines and media stories were exactly what I was trying to fight against. I'd seen how they affect these new stars coming into the spotlight and now it was happening to me, a normal person. I set my phone down on the table in disbelief, my head in my hands. Next thing I know Noel walks out and sits down in front of me. I can't hide the look on my face and I know I'm gonna have to tell him.

"Hey Jess are you okay?" Noel looks at me with those big eyes of his. Its like he's looking into my soul and I'm so devastated I have to let him down like this.

"I'm sorry Noel." I say as I show him the picture of us on my phone.

He grabs the phone from my hand to see it closer. I watch as his eyes widen, his face turning into disappointment then anger. He sets the phone back on the table and immediately stands up and starts pacing around the room. He thinks he's being quiet but I can hear everything he's saying to himself.

"Fuck, fuck, not again. How could I have been so stupid? How could I have let this happen?"

"What are you talking about Noel?" I tried to ask but he didn't hear me.

"God you're such an idiot. How could you go and fall in love with another woman so quickly? Now everyone will think you cheated and that's why the divorce happened."

My heart skipped a beat as he said it again and I knew it was for real this time.

"Noel, you do love me?" I said a little louder and stood up making sure he heard me this time.

Noel stopped in his tracks. He walked up and put his arms around me. I could see the tears swelling in his eyes.

"Yes. Jess I've loved for you a long time. You're the most beautiful person I know. You're heart is so pure and caring. I love you so much . . . but I can't be with you."

I felt the air getting sucked out of my lungs. Was he really saying this?

"What? What do you mean?"

Noel looked away, "I'm sorry Jess, I have to go."

"Noel no, please don't leave." I started to cry.

He let his arms off me, still looking away.

"I'm really sorry Jess, but we both know this is what's best for us." Noel said starting to walk away.

"No its not true. We can get through this together." Crying even harder, I grabbed Noel's arm to make him listen to me. "Please Noel, we can figure it all out. The papers, the media, it's my job. We can fix it, just believe in us." I begged him.

Noel hooked his arm away, "I wish I could Jess, but I'm not strong enough." He turned back and went into his room.

I tried to run after him but he had locked the door. I began pounding on the door, trying desperately to get it open so he could listen to me.

"Noel please let me in." I cried through my tears, "Please Noel, I love you too, you don't have to do this alone."

I stopped for a second as all I heard was silence. Then suddenly the door opened, causing me to fall to the floor. Out came Noel with his guitar and a bag full of clothes. He walked straight passed me, not even looking in my direction at all, like I was invisible. Before I could even get up and call after him he had walked out of the flat and was gone. I sat still sprawled out on the floor, crying to myself. Not knowing if I would ever see Noel again.

Later on in the day, I was laying in my bed trying to get myself to stop crying, when I got a call from my boss. She was the fucking last person I wanted to talk to and I tried so hard to ignore it but I couldn't.

"H-hello?" I said trying to sound as calm as possible.

"Jessica, I need to see you in my office tomorrow 9am, no excuses." And my boss immediately hung up the phone.

I slammed my phone on the floor, "Fuck!"

I covered myself up with the blankets and went back to crying surprised I still had tears left. I knew that was over too.

I arrived at my boss' office at 9am just like she said. I tried to make myself look as presentable as I could but it was all a mess anyway. I sat down at her table scared out of my mind.

"Jessica can you explain this?" My boss said she turned around her computer screen. I knew what was coming and I clenched up as I saw the headline and picture of me and Noel again.

My pulse beat rapidly throughout my body trying to save myself.

"It's not what it looks like." I said unconvincingly.

"I don't care what it 'looks' like. You know the rules Jessica. We can't have romantic relationships with our clients. I'm sorry but you no longer have a position with us."

"No please you don't understand, I need this job." I said holding back all my will to cry again.

"I'm sorry Jessica. You broke the policy and all of your clients have been handed off. Noel is in longer need of our and your services. Listen you made a mistake. You were my best worker, you'll find another place easily." My boss walked me out of the building.

I went back home and laid on my bed. I didn't know what I was going to do with my life. It was too hard to even think about anything. I curled up with my blankets and drifted off.

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