Vampires In The Nursery

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One of the many questions on everyone's minds: Are any of our children really safe?'

The attack took place only days before the autumn term began, imagine the carnage that would have occurred on a typical Watford day. Mistress Mary the nursery manager said that one of the beasts attacked Grimm-Pitch from behind clamping its fangs onto her neck after she neatly decapitated another who was threatening her very own son. "She was like Fury herself," Mary said, "Like something out of a film the monster bit her and she choked out a Tyger Tyger burning bright-- then they both went up in flames." Her son 5-year-old Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch was shaken but unharmed. His father, Malcolm Grimm has taken the boy to the family home in Hampshire to recover.

The coven is convened in an emergency meeting as of this writing to discuss the attack on Watford; the escalation of the dark creature problem; and the appointment of an interim headmaster.

There have been calls to close the school until our struggles with dark creatures are sorted-- and even suggestions that we join the Americans and Scandinavians in mainstreaming our children into Normal schools.

With nothing decided, whether Watford will open for the autumn term or even this school year at all hangs in the air. And if the coven does decide to keep the school open, who will lead it? Despite the suddenness of this horrible tragedy, there are some popular choices.

While not the most popular one of the most notable candidates is a man by the name of David Cadwallader. Cadwallader is known by most as something of a radical and proposes many forward ideas about reintegrating Normal culture into the world of Mages saying that he "fears we've become far too disconnected with the events of the Normal world and their culture. We think ourselves far above them when in fact" he claims that "we cannot exist without them."

But before people can even think of choosing a new headmaster they must grieve the old one. A private family-only funeral will be held for the late Natasha Grimm-Pitch at the family estate and then according to Lucas Ravenworth the coven will hold a brief ceremony commemorating her.

When all is said and done and a new mage is chosen what will they do about the increasingly growing dark creature problem? Is Mage dominance coming to an end? Read the next issue of The Watford Gazette to find out.

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