The Greatest Mage Found At Last?

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5 years after the tragic attack on Watford and the death of Natasha Grimm-Pitch, an explosion of magic so powerful it was felt by Mages all across the country alerted us to the presence of a powerful being. What is this powerful being? None other than an 11-year-old boy living in a Lancashire care home. It was half past nine at Woodworth House when a sudden explosion destroyed the upper floor of the peaceful countryside home.

Mrs. Lila Miller, the head of the home was severely shaken but managed to evacuate the rest of the children outside to safety. She and the children are now having their memories altered. But here is the testimony she gave right after we arrived on the scene.

"It was just a normal day, the other staff and I were cleaning up from breakfast with the help of some of the children and then we heard shouts upstairs. I followed the sound to the last bedroom in the corridor. We give them the best care possible but they're still four to a room in bunk beds, I'm just so glad the room was empty at the time. When I entered it was two of the boys -Simon and Gregory- having quite the kerfuffle, yelling at each other. I first tried to calm them down but then they started punching each other and I was trying to pull them apart when the room started to smell like smoke. Then all of a sudden there was a fire seemed to come from out of nowhere. Simon had caught on fire! I was terrified and tried to put it out but then the whole room caught and exploded. I don't know how we got out but thank god we did, and Simon seems unharmed. I'm just so . . . shocked about it all. The nice man from the fire and rescue service said it was an old gas line that had burst due to inclement weather and old age and that it was actually lucky that we were the only ones affected. To think the whole area could've gone up. It's lucky in that way I guess."

The incident was indeed suspicious but none of the Normals seemed to question the explanation given to them by the "firefighters''. The "firefighters'' were actually some of The Mages Men who arrived on the scene immediately.

With the Normals no longer to worry about another facet of the situation comes to light, the boy himself was a Normal, possessing no magical lineage that we know of, no lineage that anyone knows of. This boy is a complete mystery. He's the first Normal to ever show any signs of having Magick. But is he a Normal, his having Magick doesn't make him a Mage since no one has seen him speak his Magick yet but he just has so much that how could he not be a Mage, and if he isn't then . . . What is he?

That is the question that first must be answered before The Coven decides whether or not he is fit to attend Watford Academy of Magicks.

The Coven is thoroughly split on the decision, no one with a Normal background or upbringing has ever been allowed into Watford. Can this boy even speak Magick? Is it safe for the other students to let him into Watford? Is it safe to leave him out in the Normal world? So many unanswered questions.

Who does the English Magickal Community look to in this situation? Quite frankly we have no one qualified for this, yet we must look to our leader. The Mage. Will he hold up and be the leader we need in this uncertain time or will he fall short, if he has answers how do we know they're the right ones? Can we find the right answer or are we just looking for an answer?

The Mage truly believes in the prophecy of The Greatest Mage and many of his supporters wonder if this boy is The Chosen One and others still wonder what to do if he is. Surely we can't put all this on a child.

Is young Simon the one? Find out in the next issue of The Watford Gazette.

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