A New Mage A New Age

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Today 10th February 2003 a new Mage was elected by the coven. None other than the self-proclaimed radical David Cadwallader is now the leader of the British Magickal Community and the headmaster of Watford Academy of Magicks. 

This decision has sparked strong feelings across Magickal England. Some believe that Mr. Cadwallader is just the change we need while others are worried about the drastic changes he has stated that he plans to implement in Watford's curriculum. 

While his supporters claim that these negative reactions are just the overreaction of those desperate to hold onto power the worry may not all be in vain. The newly minted Mage says he plans to remove many Magickal classics from Watford's library in favour of Normal books. He claims this is to "reintroduce Normal culture into the Magickal Community via the new generation of Mages." saying that "If we can start early enough we still have a hope of saving ourselves from losing our humanity entirely.".

Concerns about the removal of Magickal literature from the school library are only the beginning of the radical new policies. And people worry that the new curriculum will lose sight of important Magickal history and culture.

Despite his many critics his hard stance on the Dark Creature Problem is one of the main things that gained him popularity in the first place. His plans include a serious increase in security at Watford. This he says would mean " A new outer gate, solid iron, and wards all around campus." While he may not be teaching our children the right things it sounds like they will definitely be safe. But, many parents question, what does it matter if our children are safe if they are cooped up learning nothing about their history, about themselves? This man is attempting to erase our history and culture, we must stop him before it's too late!"

A schism is beginning in the English Magickal Community, and with both sides rearing what will the future hold for the new generations? Who do they need more protection from, dark creatures or us?

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