Chapter 7

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"I have somebody I want you to meet," Joey says, tugging gently at my arm. I nod, and follow him into the dining room. There's a girl, who looks about Joey's age, standing across the room.

"Mia, this is my girlfriend, Jazmin. Jaz, this is Mia, the girl I told you about," Joey says. Jazmin and I shake hands. I get a funny feeling now.

Is everything between us gonna change? Will we still be as close? Am I gonna lose Joey?

"Chaddy, can you help me with my bags?" I ask softly. He nods and helps me carry them up to my room. "I'll just be unpacking if anybody asks," I tell him. He kisses my head, "Okay, lunch will be ready soon."

I close the door to my room and cry. "I can't lose him, God, not now. I just got back. Don't take him from me," I sob out.

"You okay, love, can I come in?" Joey asks softly knocking on the door. I wipe away the tears, and smooth my hair. I flash my fake smile and open the door.

"You okay?" Joey asks, sitting on the floor. "Yeah, I'm good," I reply. "You don't have to say that. You can tell me anything, Mia, anything at all. I'm here for you," he says.

"I just don't wanna lose you Joey!" I cry. "Wait, why would you lose me?" He asks, clearly confused. "You're dating Jazmin now. Everything between us is gonna be different," I sigh.

"Says who?" Joey asks. "That's just how it works Joe. Don't ya get it? Our friendship is pretty much over," I say, moving away from him. "No. Mia.
Please don't do this. Please," Joey begs. "Don't do what?" I ask, pretending I don't know.

"You know what I mean. Don't do it. Please, not again," he pleads. "I'm sorry. I can't help it. I'm sorry," I cry. He comes over and cradles me in his arms, "Sssssh it's okay, love. Please don't be sorry." I don't push him away this time, I let him cradle me, and whisper, and sing.

"You're my paradise," he says, kissing my head. "I'm glad I'm where the lights are," I sigh.

There's a knock at the door, and Caleb pokes his head in. "Uhh I'm not interrupting something, am I?" He asks awkwardly. I shake my head, "No, what's up?"

"Lunch is ready," he informs us. We, according to Alan, sound like a herd of buffalo running down the stairs.

"What's for lunch, bro?" I ask nobody in particular. "Burgers, French fries, and for dessert, ice cream," Fallon says.

"Yayyyyyyy!" Joey and I exclaim, jumping up and down. "Calm down, kids," Alan warns, "Josh, why don't you bless the food?"

We all extend hands, and hold them, as Josh prays. "Lord God, thank you for bringing this family back together. I'm so grateful for these people in Nashville who are now our family. Thank you for your countless blessings. Please bless the hands who prepared this food. In Your name I pray, Amen." All of us echo back an amen. My hands get squeezed, then dropped.

"Here hon, get whatever you want," Brycie says, handing me a plate. "Thanks," I mumble. I get a cheeseburger, and some fries.

"Pass the ketchup, please Jaxon," I ask. He passes it, and I squirt some on my burger. I take it to a picnic table and sit next to AJ and Presley.

"Hi Mia," Presley waves at me. "Hi girlie!" I exclaim. She laughs, "Are you gonna live with us again?" I nod, "Sure am." AJ squeals, "Yay! I missed you living with us!" I grin, "I missed living with you girls too."

Chad comes over and sits across from the girls. "Uncle Chad! Can we sleep at your house with Mia?" AJ asks.

Chad laughs, "You'll have to ask your daddy, darling. And make sure Mia wants to come." AJ turns to me, "Do you wanna stay with Uncle Chad?" I nod, "Sure. Anything for you, girl."

Where The Lights Are {Sequel to Paradise} {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now