Chapter 13

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"I'll never let gooooooooooo!" My phone sings Chad's high note, which is ironically his ringtone. I grab it, and answer groggily, "Hey Chad."

"Hey sour patch kid," he replies, "What's up?" I sigh, "You woke me up dude!" He laughs, "Sorry little sis."

"Why'd you call anyways?" I ask him. "I dunno, I just wanted to tell you if you wanna talk I'm here, just call me," he replies. "Thanks bub," I choke out.

"You okay?" He asks. "Yes," I say blinking back tears. "Well okay sour patch, love ya," Chad says. "Love you too, Chadster, bye," I say hanging up.

I glance over at the clock, it's only eight-thirty, great. I get up and go downstairs, wrapped in my fuzzy afghan. Caleb's sitting on the couch watching The Black Cauldron, but Kelsey is nowhere to be seen.

"Hey bub," I call out. He looks up and grins, "Hey kid, you're up awfully early." I nod, "You can blame Chadster for that."

"He woke you?" Caleb raises his eyebrow. I nod, "Yes, yes he did." Caleb shakes his head, "I'm sorry kiddo." I shrug, "It's all good."

"You want some breakfast?" He asks. I shake my head, but he nods and leads me to the kitchen. "How about I make you a smoothie?" He asks. I nod, "If you can." He grins, "Anytime kid."

I watch intently as he puts ingredients into the blender and blends it together. He takes a cup and a bendy straw and slides it across the island to me. "Bon appetite," he grins.

I cautiously put the straw in my mouth and sip. "Ooh this is pretty good, bub," I say. He nods, "I do make the best smoothies."

I lightly shove him backwards, "No need to brag." He looks shocked, "You shoved me?" I nod, "Yes. Now I'm gonna go call Alan. Do you think he's awake?"

Caleb shrugs, "Can't be sure, but he won't care if you wake him." I grab my smoothie and go back upstairs.

I pull out my phone and hit speed dial two, Alan's speed dial. It rings one time before Alan answers it.

"Hey pretty girl." I can almost hear the relief in his voice as he says that. "Hey Big Al. I didn't wake you, did I?" I ask. "Nope, I'm all good girlie. What's up?"

I shrug, "Ehh nothing much." He sighs, "I'm so glad to hear your voice." I nod, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay Mia, I'll admit, I might've pushed you too far. I'm sorry sweetheart," he says. "Alan, would you mind if I came home later today?"

"Of course not princess! Why would I care?" He asks. "I yelled at you, that's why," I reply. "Honey, love keeps no record of wrongs. It's okay. Do you want me to come get you?" He asks. I shake my head, "Caleb's gonna take me to the movies, then I'll be home. Love you." He sighs, "Love you too princess, keep fighting."

I take my empty cup downstairs and put it in the sink. "I'll be ready in a few," I tell Caleb and Kels. Caleb nods, "Take as long as you need, kiddo."

I pull out the clothes I brought, and decide to wear my Anthem Lights shirt, the black one. I pull out some jean shorts, and wear those too. I slide on my neon pink converse.

I go to the bathroom, and straighten my short hair. I then apply some EOS lip balm, and call it good. Sliding my phone and a ten dollar bill into my pocket, I walk downstairs.

"Ready to roll, girl?" Kelsey asks. I nod, "Yep! Let's do this!" The movie doesn't start for a while, so Caleb takes us girls to the mall to let us shop for a bit.

"Bath and Body Works?" Kelsey asks. I nod, "Yes!" Caleb shakes his head, "You mean the smelly store? I'll pass. I get a headache just walking past that place." Kelsey links arms on one side and me on the other. "Come on you big baby, it's not that bad," I tell him.

He reluctantly enters the store with us, and waits patiently as we test out different scents. Occasionally, he'll give us his opinion on a certain scent.

"Hurry up ladies! We're gonna be late," Caleb whines. Kelsey and I go to the checkout counter and pay for the few items we're holding.

"Come on kiddo, let's go," Caleb slings an arm around my shoulders and leads me to the car. We get in, and Caleb drives to the movie theater.

"I'll pay for tickets. Mia, you and Kels get snacks and drinks," Caleb says. I salute him, "Yes sir!"

"We'll take three medium drinks, two jumbo popcorns, and three bags of licorice," Kelsey says. The woman nods, "What type of drinks?"

"Coke, Sprite, and a lemonade," Kelsey says. The woman tells her the total, and she pays for it. Caleb has the tickets, Inside Out is showing in cinema seven.

We chose seats not too close to the front or the back, we're more so in the middle. I'm on Caleb's left, and Kelsey is at his right. The three of us settle in and watch the movie.


"Caleb!" I call out. "Mia, I'm driving, no need to yell," he mutters, "Now what is it?" I sigh, "We have to stop back at your house. I left my stuff there." I neglect to add that I purposely left my stuff there because I'm still nervous about facing Alan.

"Okay kiddo. I'll stop. Kels, you wanna stay home?" He asks. She nods, "Yeah, I'll so some laundry." Caleb grins, "It'll just be you and I, Mia."

I put my stuff in the back seat, and slide into the front one with Caleb. "You ready?" He asks. I shake my head, "No." He automatically looks concerned, "What's up kiddo?"

"I'm scared to face Alan," I sigh. "Why?" Caleb asks. "I yelled at him. I left him without saying good-bye except in a stupid note. He's given me more than enough chances. I don't see how he could still love me," I sigh.

"God loves us too. No matter how far we run, He's right there, holding His arms out to us waiting for us to run into them. Alan's showing you God's love. God's love is unconditional. He loves us no matter what we've done," Caleb says.

"I can't go back yet," I cry. "Sssh it's okay kiddo," he says rubbing my back. "It's not okay, you don't understand! None of you understand! It's just not okay. It's never okay!" I exclaim rather loudly.

"Oh gosh," I sigh, "now I'm yelling at you." Caleb doesn't look fazed by my yelling. "I'm not going to Alan's, and I sure can't stay with you. I'm calling Chad," I sigh.


"Chad, I'm at the park by Caleb's house. C-Can you come get me?" I sigh from my seat on a park bench. "Sure sour patch kid, I'll be there in a few. Stay strong my dear," he hangs up.

I put my phone in my duffel, and softly cry. What will I do after I yell at Chad? Joey? What about after him? I'll be all alone.

"Hey darling," Chad says. I brush away the tears, and look up, "Hey bro." I toss my bag in the backseat, and get in the front one, "Thanks for coming to get me." He nods and pats my knee, "It's my pleasure."

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