Chapter 11

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"Come on darling," a voice urges me. I sigh, "Go away, I'm sleeping." Alan chuckles, "Please silly girl, I've got things to do and people to see."

"What sorts of people?" I ask. "Chad, Caleb, Joey," he replies. I shake my head, "Can't I just stay home? I'm tired."

"Brycie's not here, she took the girls somewhere. Will you be okay?" He asks. "I've got my phone, I'll call you, I promise." He kisses my head, "Okay kid, I love you."

I roll over in my bed, and attempt to fall back asleep. I find myself lightly dozing off again.

I hear a crash downstairs, and I bolt upright. I scramble for the phone and call Alan, when he doesn't answer, I dial Joey's number.

"Hi love," he says. "Joey, I'm home by myself. Alan left to meet you guys. Brycie took the girls somewhere and I heard a crash downstairs. I'm scared what should I do?" I ask kinda rapidly. "Sssh calm down, Mia," he says.

"What do I do?" I cry. "Hide in a closet, stay quiet. I'll be there as soon as I can," he says. I tiptoe as quickly and quietly as possible to my closet, and slip inside, amongst the clothes.

I hear shuffling, and banging around me. "God, please keep me safe," I pray.

"Mia, where are you, my dear?" Alan asks. I open the closet cautiously, "Alan?"

"Hey baby girl, you okay?" He asks me. I nod, "Yeah, I heard a crash downstairs, and I thought we were being robbed." He shakes his head, "It's okay Mia, it was just me. I'm fine."

I breathe out heavily, "Call Joe." He looks confused, "Why?" I shake my head, "No time to explain. Just call Joe and tell him I'm alright." Alan nods and does so.

"I was just scared, I guess I slept for quite a bit, huh?" I ask. He chuckles, "Yeah ya did, kiddo, I'm sorry about scaring you."

I lean in and hug him, "It's okay bro." He wraps his arms around me, "So what should we do today?"

"I don't know, bro, that's your job to figure out," I sigh. He shrugs, "Wanna hang with the guys?" I pretend to be shocked, "Those morons, no way!"

He laughs, "Come on, I told Caleb we'd come to his place." I nod, "Yokay. Are AJ, Pres, and Rowe coming?" He shrugs, "If they want to."

I skip downstairs to where AJ, Presley, and Rowe are seated in the kitchen eating sandwiches with Brycie. "We're going to Caleb's place. Does anybody wanna come?" I ask.

AJ and Rowe shake their heads. "Uncle Caleb is weird," AJ says. Alan laughs, and grabs Presley's hand, "I guess you're the only one coming, lovebug." Presley giggles, and after Alan tells Brycie goodbye we're in the car.

We get to Caleb's house, only to find Caleb sitting next to Baby Romo on the couch reading the dictionary aloud.

"Gossamer. adjective: extremely light, delicate, tenuous," Caleb reads. "Uh Caleb, you okay?" I ask. He nods, "Why yes, I'm just reading a story to my child."

"Uncle Caleb, that's a puppy," Presley giggles. Caleb sighs and closes his dictionary, "What do you people want?"

"You invited us over," Alan points out. Caleb nods, "Ah, yes, so I did." Presley runs over and jumps on Caleb's lap. "What we gonna do Uncle Caleb?" She asks.

Caleb laughs, "Well, my dear, the correct form of that sentence is 'what are we going to do'. And to answer your question, I'm not sure, what do you want to do?"

"I wanna play!" Presley cheers. Caleb nods, "Then play you shall. Would you like to go to the park?" She grins, cheers, and runs over to Alan.

"Daddy! Let's go to the park!" She squeals. He nods, "Okay princess. You coming Mia?" I nod, "Yep, I'll come along. Just don't do anything weird or obnoxious." Caleb slings an arm around my shoulder, "I'm sorry kiddo, but we can't make any promises."

We get to the park. Caleb picks up Presley and runs to the swings; she giggles the entire way. He starts swinging with her on his lap.

Alan cautiously sits on the swing next to mine. "Hey kiddo," he says. I nod, "Hey dude."

I lay my head on his shoulder the best that I can. "You okay, girlie?" He asks. "Yep, I'm good," I reply. "Okay," he breathes out.

We swing for a while, and then Presley complains that she's bored. "Uncle Caleb, lets play something else," she says. We walk over to the jungle gym, and Presley climbs around for a while, then after getting ice cream we go home.

"Bye Mia," Caleb says hugging me. I grin, "Peace out dude, love you." He nods, "Love you too kiddo."

Presley and Alan also tell Caleb goodbye, and he leaves. "What should we do now?" I ask.

"Wanna go to Chad and Fallon's and swim?" Alan asks. I nod, "Uh huh." Alan grins, "Okay, I'll help the girls get ready, and talk to Brycie, then we can leave."

I jog upstairs to my room, and open my least used drawer on my dresser. The bathing suit drawer. I immediately toss out the bikinis, not modest enough.

Finally, about fifteen minutes later, I decide upon a one piece. It's sky blue, and is longer on the bottom. The thick tie straps at the top make it very flattering.

I grab one of the beach towels, and wrap it snugly around my body, an leave the room.

"You okay, my dear?" Alan asks me, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be good?" I reply. He shrugs, and grabs my hand, leading me to his car.

We get to Chad and Fallon's pool, and I comfily lounge in one of the pool chairs, while Alan and the girls contently splash.

When Chad comes out, Alan gets out of the pool, and sits next to me. "Why is that towel wrapped so tightly around you, and why aren't you swimming?" He asks. I shrug, "I'm just nervous about wearing my swimsuit around you guys, that's all."

"Regardless of what you think that mirror says, trust me princess, you look beautiful," he says, placing his lips on my forehead briefly.

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