Chapter 10

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"Today's the day," Caleb says. I nod excitedly, "I can't believe I get to meet Colton Dixon!" Alan chuckles, "And you get to do so with your favorite peeps!" I shake my head, "No, Colton is my favorite peep."

Joey looks shocked, "What? How could you? I have way better hair than him." I shrug, "Okay, whatever helps you sleep at night."

I smooth the fabric of my grey Colton shirt, and smile. This day is finally here. We get in the car, and make a short drive to the venue.

We get there, and flash our passes to the security guards, who quickly let us in. We get backstage, and I freak out. Standing two feet in front of us is Jared Martin, a guitarist from Colton's band.

I finally get the courage to say hi to him. I grab Alan's arm, and pull him with me, as we approach Jared. "Hi, Jared, I'm Mia, and well this is Alan. I was wondering if you weren't busy, maybe I could have a picture with you. It's okay if you don't have the time, or whatever," I say. Jared smiles, "I'd love to take a picture with you, Mia."

Alan takes a picture of the two of us, then Jared takes a Sharpie, and signs my shirt. I smile, and walk off, feeling on top of the world.

Next, I spot David Dritch. Grinning, and dragging Caleb with me, I get a picture and a autograph.

Chad comes with me to meet Devin Poindexter, and lastly Joey and I meet Eric Anthony. There's only one person I haven't met, Colton.

I see that all too familiar blond hair across the room. I excitedly tap Alan. "Its him! It's Colton! Oh my gosh! He's here!" I freak out. Chad nods, "Of course he's here, Mia, it's his concert." I nod as we walk over to him.

Colton turns around and sees us. "Oh hey guys!" He greets my friends, "It's good to see you again."

He turns to me, "You must be Mia, the girl who got Colton tickets for her birthday." I nod, too starstruck to speak. He flashes a grin, and turns away for a second, "Jared! Come here!"

Jared comes over, and takes pictures of the six of us. I'm standing right next to Colton. After the photo is taken, Colton turns to me and hugs me. I hug back, still fangirling on the inside. He signs my shirt, then promises to see me after the show.

The guys lead me to our seats, and I sit down. Colton and the band run on stage, a few moments later, and open up with Noise.

Next they slow it down a little bit, and play Never Gone. I get chills, as I sing along. This is such a powerful song.

When Colton sings Everything by Lifehouse, I don't think there's a dry eye in the building. Not only is the song a great reminder of what God does for us, it's also an amazing memory for Colton from his days on Idol.

During Through All Of It, he sits down at his piano, and begins singing that sweet, beautiful, life-changing song. I sing along softly, letting my words drift up to God, because I'm really singing this song to Him.

The show continues to go on, and I sing, dance, laugh, cry, and soak in the entire thing.

After its over, Colton says he'll be meeting some fans in the back room of the venue. Alan gestures to the four of us, and tells us to move backstage, we all do so.

After meeting all the other fans, Colton comes backstage again. "So Mia, did you enjoy the concert?" He asks, sitting next to me.

I nod rapidly, "Yes! I loved it! You rock!" He chuckles, "Thanks!" Alan clutches my arm, "We gotta get home, Colton, but we'd love to hang out sometime." Colton nods, "Maybe when I get back in time, I'll call you guys up."

"Yay!" I exclaim. Chad laughs, "Come on weirdo, let's go home." I shake my head, "I ain't no weirdo." Caleb wags a finger, "That's not a word." I shrug, as we get back in the van.

"It was literally perfection!" I fangirl. Joey laughs, "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, love." I nod, "Yes, now if I could just see a Broadway show, my life would be complete."

Alan chuckles, "I'm not made of money, kiddo." I giggle, "And why not, Mr. Powell?" Caleb laughs, "Calling Alan that makes him sound old." Alan shakes his head, "Real mature, Mr. Grimm."

The rest if the way home, I give the guys another play by play of the concert, not missing a single detail. We slowly drop people off, before Alan and I arrive at home.

He puts a finger to his lips, "Ssssh! The girls are probably already in bed." I nod, and salute him, as we enter the place I call home.

"Thanks for everything, Al, I love you," I whisper as I head up to my room. He stops me, and hugs me, "I love you too, beautiful. Sweet dreams."

I go into my room and take off my Colton shirt, and hang it on a hanger. I fold up all the merch Chad bought me, and put the shirts in the merch drawer. I play some Colton music while I brush my teeth, and get ready for bed. Once I'm all snuggled in, I thank God for my fantastic evening, and fall asleep.

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