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I've really blown it now. I can never go home. Nobody will understand. Nobody will accept me. I'm all alone.

After I left Alan's car, I began running in the opposite direction of my house. I end up in a strange neighborhood. I've never been to this part of town.

Suddenly, I feel scared and long to be at home, watching Aladdin or some other Disney movie, with my head on Alan's chest. I remember the last thing Alan told me, "Call me if you need anything."

I could call him and sort everything out. He really helped me, all of those guys did, I dunno if I can survive without them.

Suddenly, I just break down. I can't take it anymore. I start crying, the tears blur my vision.

"Hey! Girl! Look out!" A voice exclaims, and everything goes black.


Not sure when I'll continue writing on this. I might wanna keep y'all in suspense a little bit longer ;). Just know, that once I continue this book, it'll be a field of awesome. (<-sorry ever since I've seen that frebreeze commercial I've wanted to say that)

Elisabeth 💜🐘

Where The Lights Are {Sequel to Paradise} {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now